Editopen is a system. It is a system by which we can create. The freedom of film-making practice that editopen; as a system, provides, makes it wholly more creative.
The liberty that is the basis of the system is what will make films created here a success. The ability to freely edit sequences and re-submit them; surrounded by an atmosphere of discussion, both about the sequences themselves, and the concept of creating film/video in this way, will create a success. However, success of the system or the films themselves is debatable – but only the practice of working this way will prove either argument.
The infrastructure that is available is a great thing, as it allows all created work to be constantly that – ‘work’. By looking at film/video sequences in this way we can constantly review how the video & the system play of each other. Seeing the effects they have on each other is vital for both the success of editopen as a working concept of creative practice and the film/video it creates.
Again, infrastructure is a key term – by allowing editopen to create works, we allow the works to be created by editopen. It gives us total freedom in any end products that might arise from using this system of creation.
Editopen is termed as ‘Open Source’. We chose this because we believe it to be true of the project. Not only can the 3min sequences be seen as source code that is distributed freely for re-use and re-edit – but it is also, we believe, a genuine attempt to field the concept of open source software into another arena – that of contemporary creative practice.
Allowing for a total re-use and re-edit of these sequences perhaps leans more to the concept of ‘Open Sequence’ or ‘Open Video’ – but looking at the project as a whole, ‘Open Source’ is certainly more poignant. We do, however, leave this up to discussion.
Each sequence, that is both the initial un-edited sequence, and the final edited sequence are licensed under the [[Creative Commons License]]. All users are reminded of this before they participate in any projects with