Planet Pepys

from a new TV series about Deptford on BBC:

The Tower starts Monday 25th at 10:35pm on BBC1

June 24th, 2007 by coopepys

The first of an eight part documentary will be shown tomorrow night Monday 25th that follows the lives of some residents of the Pepys Estate. It will be interesting to see the final product from the BBC having seen them operate on the estate over the last few years. It seems from the title that they have found their ’story’ as it was unclear to many of the people in the film exactly what it was about whilst it was being made. The producers that I talked to a couple of year ago claimed it would be an ‘educational’ film and couldn’t give any information about what the target audience would be or what channel or time slot they were aiming at. I guess this they said this so as not to try and scare residents away from them. Having talked to one of the participants Cherry yesterday I know that none of the participants have seen the episodes and signed forms waiving all rights before filming began. She was told by phone that she would be in episode 6 and that it would be ‘upsetting’ but she is looking forward to it very much. There are some links to reviews of the first episode distributed to journalists below;

One thing is certain, that the profile of the Pepys Estate for better or worse is going to shoot up in the next few weeks. Maybe we might even see some of the 11 million pounds that Lewisham Council sold the tower for come back onto the estate.

If anyone sees reviews or discussion of the program please add any links as posts in this section.


did you hear the one about the about…?

March 8th, 2007 by coopepys

Well you have to start somewhere..

So where were you on Monday evening last..? Some of us sat in on a meeting called by local councillor Heidi Alexander and attended by familiars of PCF, Coopepys, Pepys Resource Centre, Somalian Centre and Community2000 as well as interested individuals from around the borough.

Needless to say , circular discussions about how to stimulate engagement, fund activities and support local community action were bounced round the well attended meeting but the mixed feelings in the room rather overshadowed the overall optimism many feel for some of the organisations and community spaces represented. Clearly, outcomes following SRB and local authority spend fall short of expectations and the rising need for appropriately focussed public spaces and effective resource building heighten the need for action, acknowledgement and support now.

Come on Planet Pepys, don’t let another decade of decline and dissolution follow the dissent and decay of the last! Self provide.

“regeneration is fine but who draws the line”

James Stevens