Quoted from Lewisham, Peace, Justice and Solidarity:
Who shot the sheriff? – the history of Rock Against Racism and Love Music Hate Racism inspiring and mobilising young people to stop the fascists by bringing together music and politics-from the 1970’s to today.
[Details here. Read an interview with director Alan Miles here. We showed this on our Lewisham 77 commemorative day, and it went down well. If you like it, you may also like our short films about Rock Against Racism’s Red Saunders: 1, 2.]
Lewisham 1977 about the Battle of Lewisham filmed in New Cross by Deptford TV volunteers.
[Not sure which of our films they are showing, presumably this one, filmed on our commemorative walk. More details of the film in this article. Our films were made by volunteers, including Goldsmiths MA Screen Documentary students, in collaboration with Deptford TV, a project which uses open source technologies to generate new forms of collaborative film-making to document changes in SE London.]
The Battle of Cable Street and The Legacy of Cable Street with film maker Yoav Segal
[More info here. Note: Cable Street features in our film about anti-fascist footsoldier Martin Lux.]
With Q and A with film maker and Unite Against Fascism – important lessons as the fascist BNP stand in the forthcoming elections.
Presented by the Lewisham Anti-Racist Action Group and south-east London Unite Against Fascism in conjunction with Café Crema , New Cross larag@talktalk.net; www.naar.org.uk/larag www.uaf.org.uk/ also join face book ‘sel uaf see LARAG online exhibition with images and quotes about fighting fascism in London from 1930’s to 2010.
For all the films at Café Crema there is a charge of £6 which includes polenta meal or cake and drink ordered at 7.30 pm, film screening 8.15pm. Tickets available from the café in advance. To guarantee a place at this cosy venue. 306 New Cross Road. London SE14 6AF. 2 minutes from New Cross and New Cross Gate stations mob 07905 961 876/ 07905 552 571 http://www.cafecremaevents.co.uk/ for information. Pop in: book your seat!
Bonus link: Watch the Deptford.TV film about Cafe Crema.