Photo by Sara Hana for the transcript of Slavoj Žižek’s speech at Occupy Wall Street.
Just before the NYC Occupy Wall Street movement started the Open Video Conference opened in lower Manhattan, on September 11th 2011. Adnan Hadzi joined the Open Video Editing Platform editing workshop. Lightworks received a lot of buzz regarding their announcement to release the code as open source, see statement from their website: “In response to feedback from our extensive User base, we have undertaken a huge amount of work to enhance the Codecs and cross-platform support for the Mac OSX and Linux versions of Lightworks. We have been working on these updates for several months and had originally hoped to release the new version on the 29th November. However, we are not yet fully satisfied with the stability of this version with its many new features and therefore we have made the difficult decision to delay its release to our customers. Obviously we are very keen to get the new version out, but we will only do this once we are confident that it meets the high standards demanded by our user community. Therefore, we are holding back on announcing a new date for the full release, but please be assured that we will do so as soon as possible and that we will keep all users fully informed”.
Notes from the Video Editing Platform workshop:
Open Video Editors
Lifecyle of open source editors:
A good reason to not start a new video editor.
What are the dependency for pitivi
Topics for discussion:
* collaborative video editing
* open video standards
* open document format for video production
* hardware acceleration
* Scripted interactions
* Web interfaces and interchange formats.
Shared format
* Open documented format adoption ( a very successful )
* What about FinalCutPro XML
* FinalCutPro X makes it even harder to exchange formats.
* Pitivi XML format is ~pretty human~ readable.
* Walking through a sample Pitivi xml file
Pitivi overview:
* Gstreamer based (widely supported)
* Gstreamer does not have an intermediate format.
* Disadvantage of intermediate format not all formats are seekable and work well in video editors.
* showing clip editing.
* effects do not yet have key framing.
* New “Gstreamer Editing Services” core coming in with improved performance
** (helps address the intermediate codec issues)
Color space issues (camera codecs locked up)
* gstreamer full support for 4:4:4 color space representation.
* auto color correction undone by video editors like final cut.
* Final cut pro has filters for camaras to normalize video content.
* without intermediate format hard to do this in realtime.
Final Cut XML
Piviti XML
to bring forward to OVA as project – ernest [at] openvideoalliance.org – if there is a possibility to create a consortium for open video editor standards (see open document standart) – but also check what happens lightworks
set up a mailinglist for FLOSS video editors
set up a FLOSS video editors page @ open video alliance [issues page], or within one of the following pages?: