Adnan Hadzi travelled to Berlin with James Stevens in September to meet with fellows of Post Media Lab to exchange current ideas and prepare the research programme leading up to Taking care of Things session as part of Transmediale 2014.
SPC are setting out to revisit subscriber materials including image bank of still and moving image recordings on media and servers in Deckspace with a view to re-presentation. Surprisingly little formal documentary material exists to account for the reeling years at SPC, such that we have is on video tape or in html and email.
In October and November will offer Friday workshops at Deckspace for groups to review some of their preferred moments and bring them into focus again utilising some contemporary publishing and distribution methods. With the public appetite for news and media concentrators migrating to touch screen readers and smart phones we will formulate our workshop output to offer secure syncronisation options as well as more traditional web publishing and RSS.
In December we will travel to Germany again this time to Luneburg to host similar workshops with local groups there.
Expect BitMessage, Bit torrent Sync and Stream and NFC/RFID interactions.