Screens reSynced

Our efforts to date have allowed us plenty of opportunity to re familiarise ourselves with events and productions at deckspace and we continued digging out materials today.

funkiporciniJames Braddell joined us for the start of the session on his way out to Rome. It was a great opportunity to discuss some assumptions about the value of archive and practical issues of identifying, processing and representing moving image. Much of his work expresses a wry sense of humour and explores the structures of music with texture and imagination. His latest video work ‘CITY‘ concentrates dense HD into immersive environment compositions.

For more than two decades Exploding Cinema have held open access screenings where thousands of makers make their films public for the love of it. Their zine style show booklets and posters pepper the whole archive. In 2005 the world turned in their home movies, cat fetishes and music videos to Youtube and since then billions pour their daily lives into the stew of social media silos. Finally we have been compromised by universal self and state surveillance.

interlacescreenshotThere has been some breakthrough progress on our efforts to install Interlace as Robert had a bit of time to refine his codebase and get a version working for us for now.

You can now have review some of those SPC DV archives we already spent so many hours digitising but never edited. Interlace opens in a web browser and lays out the film strips end to end down the page.. to activate the viewer click any clip and and presto, like dropping the needle on a record. Each clip is then accessible for metadata tagging, interlinking and dynamic reordering by category and context. See also Video Vortex hyprid-reader.

Rachel Baker arrived in time to find us winding up the days work and reflecting on these screens, origins and objectives and had a lot to offer from her own experiences as member of but also as early contributor at Backspace. She is currently at booksprint and urges us to produce a printable set of these notes as part of our workshops!

Irational will also organise a workshop in Lueneburg, the week before we run the Deckspace.TV workshop, on “Archaeology and Futurology of an Artserver An exhibition and event series by art collective irational “.

This ‘Screens’ workshop marked the 10th anniversary of the ‘DMZ‘ festival…