
Earlier this week Maydayrooms hosted ‘Militant Technics‘ a fascinating string of critical interactions and introspection over three days at the cafeteria on the top floor in their Fleet Street den. The aim was to develop tuition modules, extend understanding of respective library projects and explore opportunities to improve on in house archive ‘activation’ practices. We started with beer and a great mushroom risotto, thanks to Rosemary !

Sean Dockray of (Aaaaarg/Public School); Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak (Mama/Memory of the World); Sebastian Luetgert and Jan Gerber ( /Pirate Cinema) joined friends and members of MayDay Rooms collective on Monday for ‘Back to the future‘ a public discussion on the legal challenges to open access distribution in an age of ‘takedown notices’ and other proprietorial threats posed to online information sharing. (audio recording was made)

Your local library is also under threat, but this has ever been so! Act now, to protect you collections, share books and be the media, challenge hegemonic assumptions protecting commercial control over access to information, your quality of public life and freedom rights.