Culture Matters: The Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture Foundation will be exploring the legacy of the European Capital of Culture title through a seminar discussing research findings from 2017.
A unique project focusing on the exchange of language, poetry and potatoes. Malta and Leeuwarden share strong agricultural ties,exchanging potato crops and seeds twice a year. From these seeds, Maltese farmers grow potatoes which are then shipped back to Leeuwarden. Poetry in Potato Bags makes use of this relationship by exchanging poetry along with the agricultural produce. Poetry in Potato Bags is a Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture collaboration with Potatoes Go Wild, Inizjamed, Appoġġ, and, of course, Leeuwarden 2018.
The seminar will be addressed by a number of individual researchers and public entities carrying out qualitative and quantitative research across a number of sectors. Also addressing the conference will be Szilvia Nagy, who forms part of Local Operators Platform (LOCOP), a research network dedicated to critically assessing cultural policies and supra-regional funding strategies such as the European Capital of Culture programme.
Wiċċna / Our Face project, led by Zvezdan Reljic, Yugoslav/Maltese photographer, is planned to be a book of around 200 photographic portraits of individuals from different backgrounds, generations and ethnicities who currently reside in Malta and accompanied by a short caption taken from the individual’s answer to the often complicated question “Where are you from?” Wiċċna / Our Face Zvezdan Reljić Prints by Zvezdan Reljic
Italian post-rock outfit Mokadelic, renowned for their breathtaking soundtracks, besides their albums proper, played two exclusive nights at the University Campus Theatre (ex MITP) in Valletta last weekend. In a rather unique experience for Malta, the five piece Rome-based band, who have scored soundtracks for Oscar-winning director Gabriele Salvatores amongst others, will play their soundtrack to the hit Italian TV series ‘Gomorra’ in its entirety; in what promises to be a special musical and visual experience.
Ħaġraisland is a collection of reflections by Isaac Azzopardi about the changing aesthetics of Malta. Through the use of construction material, appropriation and rubbing techniques, the show revolves around three main references: Austin Camilleri’s installation Stones from 1999, as a Maltese contemporary art canon, Anselm Kiefer’s ideas about art as alchemy and Malta’s changing urbanity.
Led by artistic director Mikiko Kikuta, European Eyes on Japan / Japan Today is a visual arts project that has toured over thirty European Capitals of Culture since 1999. In anticipation of our European Capital of Culture year, the project extended an invitation to Maltese photographer, Alexandra Pace, from Valletta 2018 and photographer Alice Wielinga from our twin European Capital of Culture, Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018. Both photographers lived and work in Japan, looking to capture the country’s lifestyle through a European lens. An exhibition featuring the work of both artists will be hosted in Malta at Spazju Kreattiv, after which it will travel to Leeuwarden and Japan.
Latitude 36 – exhibition by Charlie Cauchi, a project stemming from Charlie Cauchi’s upbringing as a Maltese migrant’s daughter in the United Kingdom, brings real-life stories to the forefront to create “a more honest and open debate about migration”. For more information visit
Heba Shibani is a Libyan journalist and news producer who has worked in a number of Libyan and international media outlets such as Reuters, Libya’s channel, and Alaseema Television. After eight years in photojournalism and street photography, her approach has evolved to present heritage with a fresh edge, by illustrating the relationship between a place and its residents and focusing on the concept of home. During The Trail Heba will be running photoshoots for Trail visitors, with an option for visitors to keep their photos – a unique opportunity not to miss out on! Heba AlShibani Allura – The Trail 2018
Malta Calls, a kaleidoscopic outdoor dance performance envelops the crowd in a 360-degree sensory experience. Drama, dance and film join forces in this pumping event, where projections representing ‘Present’ and ‘Future’ twist and turn, play and replay, as their movements capture aspirations, hopes and dreams in a moment of eternal anticipation. Malta Calls will be held on the grounds of St Clare’s College Secondary (ex Sir Adrian Dingli), Pembroke on Friday 20th July from 8pm onwards. ŻfinMalta Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture
‘Reflections and Connections’ and ‘Ħaġarna’ inaugurated as part of Art in Public Spaces. Two of the winning projects from the Art in Public Spaces competition which took place in 2015. 6 different projects intended for 6 particular spaces had won this competition. The two projects inaugurated are in Gozo, where ‘Reflections and Connections’ is a public staircase which has been adorned with mosaic in Għajnsielem and ‘Ħaġarna’ is a contemporary sculpture in Xagħra. Minister for Gozo Justyne Caruana was also present for the inauguration of the second project. ħaġarna
Decor Elly is a home-based 3D printing workshop which produces unique figurines for further processing, using decoupage & other finishes. Long before entering the world of 3D printing, Elaine was experimenting with photography and papier-mâché sculptures, as well as textile design including techniques such as weaving and macrame. Then, introduced to 3D design during her studies, she became interested in this process and the scope for creating her own products from start to finish. The range of objects she designed and produced started to grow; from a multi-coloured cow resembling contemporary dialogue with figurative arts (i.e. Damien Hirst), to creative remixes of classical art usually found only in established museums or galleries (e.g. the Venus de Milo, Michelangelo’s David) – all with an unexpected and quirky touch. Beyond Elaine’s intriguing choices of themes, her trademark approach lies in her use of experimental finishes, and how these unusual textures add another level of surprise for her audiences. Decor Elly Elly LongLegs Michal Lubay Lubiszewski
We met up with Martha who literally does something out of nothing! Taking #upcycling to a whole new level.
The word MODS stands for “Music on D Spot”, which describes the mission of this collective of Portuguese musicians: to create improvised music with intimate connections to moving images in cinema or video. This edition of MODS COLLECTIVE investigates the work of Malta’s cinema pioneer, Cecil Satariano, an award-winning filmmaker of great artistic value whose work is still largely unrecognised in Malta and Europe. Taking as its starting point two short films by Satariano – “I’m Furious Red” and “Guzeppi” – Portuguese and Maltese musicians bring improvisational forms to table. Much more than a soundtrack, this is a piece of music that works symbiotically with cinema, creating a new layer of meaning alongside Satariano’s work. Created and organised by Capivara Azul – Cultural Association, in co-production with Fondazzjoni Kreattività with the collaboration of Marietherese Voice Studio and with the support of the Valletta 2018 Foundation and the Guimarães Municipality.
The Valletta 2018 Foundation was one of the main partners supporting the Malta Robotics Olympiad, which has now established itself as Malta’s major annual event for design, technology and education. Following two years of successful collaborations, the Valletta Design Cluster partnered with the Design and Technology Learning Centre to present the Design & Technology Expo at a special edition of the Malta Robotics Olympiad (MRO) in 2018. The event brought together educational institutions, technology and innovation-driven enterprises and agencies, as well as private exhibitors, while also hosting diverse national and international events, competitions, challenges and exhibitions. For more information about the event, visit
MASTERCLASS by Liliana Cavani at Valletta Campus – University of Malta. During this class Liliana Cavani discussed the distinctive features of her craft of directing film. The event was introduced by Prof Gloria Lauri-Lucente and moderated by Prof Gaetana Marrone Puglia. The session was also be open to questions from the audience. University of Malta
Our European Capital of Culture year begins with a unique celebration that’s worthy of the traditional Maltese Festa. Visit the capital from the 14th to the 21st of January and participate in our island-wide festa!
Valletta 2018 is an exciting year-long celebration – a cultural programme that starts in our capital city and reaches out to towns and villages all over Malta and Gozo. Our Opening Week draws crowds to the heart of Valletta with music and entertainment, street artists and performers spreading word of the Opening around the capital’s streets, exhibitions set in diverse venues around the city, open days that re-discover Valletta’s fascinating historical spaces, community storytelling events centred around the city’s residents and the spaces they use, and much more.
At the centre of our grand festa are the joy, dance, music and reverie that fill Valletta’s four main squares – St George’s Square, St John’s Square, Castille Square, and the area around the Triton Fountain – where the Catalan theatrical group, La Fura dels Baus, blurs the line between audience and performer with outdoor acrobatics, while ŻfinMalta offer contemporary dance performances. Throughout our celebration, digital projections, video art and choral symphony lend the capital a wondrous and magical atmosphere. And all over on the city, travelling bands and performers take the festivities to the streets, inviting residents and visitors all over the Maltese Islands to take part in this spectacular celebration.
On the 20th of January, join us for Erba’ Pjazez, with shows every hour on the hour during the evening. Erba’ Pjazez will be hosted in Triton Square (Il-Qawma tat-Tritoni), St George’s Square (Qalbna), St John’s Square (Elfejn u Tmintax) and Castille Square (Minn Qiegħ l-Imgħoddi għall-Quċċata tal-Ġejjieni).
During the week of the 20th of January, from the 14th of January up until the 21st, come and join us for Opening Week. A variety of activities will be happening in an around Valletta for the entire week leading up to the opening as we prepare to host our European Capital of Culture year. Our Opening Week events are divided in six different themes:
‘Vitor’ was written and directed by Paul Portelli, and produced by Katya Hanna. Behind the camera, as cinematographer, was Michael Carol Bartolo, and the art direction was entrusted to Katrina Xuereb. ‘Vitor’ placed third at the 3rd edition of FICME, the International Student Festival of Short Film, Hammamet, Tunisia. Four short films by the students of the Master of Arts in Film Studies. Two, Vitor and Boy Wonder are by students currently following the course, and the other two are dissertations by the first graduates from the course, Lara Azzopardi (Kuzra) and Bruce Micallef Eynaud (The Inner Voice).
The programme is designed to provide emerging creatives in the community with an opportunity to access and learn from a nourishing pool of talent and a rich network of peers. Keit Bonnici recently graduated with a BA in Design, with 1st Class Honours, from Goldsmiths – University of London. The artist’s background includes studies in Design/(thinking), Art and Engineering. He has also received formation in circus arts and movement. “My aim is to carve out my own creative interdisciplinary practice; and become a freelance designer working with the space between art and design.”
MICAS kicks off its summer celebration with an art talk at MUŻA by Edith Devaney, contemporary curator and head of the summer exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. This will be followed by the launch of Jumpstart: An Incomplete Timeline and a reception at Castille Square. The MICAS Summer Celebration is happening in collaboration with the Valletta Cultural Agency and it is supported by Heritage Malta and Spazju Kreattiv. MICAS Summer Celebration MICAS
MUŻA huwa l-isem magħżul għall-mużew ġdid ta ‘l-arti u l-proġett prinċipali ta’ Malta. Il-proġett huwa mużew ta ‘arti tal-komunità nazzjonali, l-ewwel wieħed li qed jiġi żviluppat f’sit storiku fil-Belt tal-Belt Valletta; Sit ta ‘Wirt Dinji tal-UNESCO mibni bħala belt-fortizza. Illum, fl-isfond tal-Belt Kapitali Ewropeja 2018, il-proġett tal-Muża se jkun qed juża prattiċi innovattivi flimkien ma’ tekniċi tradizzjonali biex jiġu indirizzati problemi strutturali maġġuri fuq il-binja storika. Il-prattiċi li qed jintużaw ġew użati l-ewwel darba fl-Italja biex jirristrutturaw binjiet li ġġarrfu bit-terremoti. Din l-esperjenza ġdida se tħalli legat ukoll fil prattiċi tar-restawr tal-bini antik f’pajjiżna u ġew attentati b’mod qalbieni għall-ewwel darba minn Heritage Malta.
Zahra Al-Mahdi hija artista, kittieba, novellista grafika u film maker. Bħalissa tagħmel parti mir-residenza ta’ l-artisti ġewwa l-Belt Valletta u qegħda taħdem fuq proġett kif in-nies jinteraġixxu ma’ spazji madwarhom. L-esebizzjoni tagħha ser tiftaħ fil-21 ta’ Ġunju ġewwa Blitz
Wara l-ftuħ uffiċċjali tal- Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture, f’dan il-filmat ħa nsegwu wieħed mill-ewwel avvenimenti mużikali li qed jiġu organizzati. F’dan il-kunċert daqqu l-grupp Malti, Hot Club of Valletta u The Other Europeans.
Bi preparazzjoni għal Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture ġew inkarigati l-erba’ festi tal-Belt fosthom ta’ San Duminku, sabiex jieħdu ħsieb l-armar tat-toroq. F’dan il-filmat ser nsegwu ta’ San Duminku jarmaw Strada Merkanti, Strada San Kristofru u Strada San Domenico.
Il-vjaġġi tal-ferry bejn Valletta u t-tlett ibliet qed ikunu ftit differenti mis-soltu… Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture