Documented between 2009 and 2012, Broken Dreams is a haunting photographic essay on the city of Nicosia and conflict areas in the north of Cyprus – a conflict which until today has not been politically resolved – that was exhibited during Pafos 2017. Broken Dreams focuses on the emotional stalemate through lingering remnants of military activity and abandoned vernacular architecture. Uninhabited or partially demolished, these structures serve as uncomfortable monuments of Cyprus’s recent history.
The exhibition is part of A Tale of Two Cities – a cross-cultural photography exhibition by artist and photographer David Pisani, whose work explores architectural poetry as a metaphor for the human condition. The prints exhibited are all hand printed by the phoographer himself on silver gelatin paper.
Pisani’s work has been exhibited at the prestigious Biennale of Photography in Paris in 1996 and was entered in the Permanent collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in June 2000.
This exhibition brings two very different cities and histories together through the lens of photographer David Pisani.
Combining the photographer’s 29-year documentation of Valletta’s buildings and his photographic essay on Nicosia and conflict areas in the north of Cyprus, A Tale of Two Cities offers a crosscultural dialogue between two Mediterranean Island states whose architecture voices a powerful narrative of social displacement.
The exhibition will be held in Pafos, Cyprus, in 2017, and in Malta in 2018.
Altofest is a project that explores experimental sociality through contemporary live art. Citizens host international artists in their houses, which then become venues that welcome audiences for diverse performances. Altofest will take place across four different regions in Malta, over four consecutive weekends. “Legendary People” is the theme behind Altofest Malta 2018.
How can art emerge from the community as its distinctive expression, becoming in the meantime an instrument of social growth, fostering the formation of a future cultural legacy? The narration of a place, of its inhabitants and of its possible future lives, needs to be inspired by the evocative power of myth and legends. The bright image of the democratic Athens is a mix of mythology and reality of historical documents. A new mythology to be founded needs heroes and legends. A cultural project inserting itself in the life of the city, directly involving its community, creates a new mythology where heroes are among its citizens, deeply immersed in the landscape.
The hero we are referring to is the so-called “cultural hero”, according to anthropologists. He is the one who influences customs and traditions of his people inaugurating new rituals, bringing innovation and establishing a new collective identity. In this sense, Altofest Malta is a unique opportunity, the act of foundation of a new way of perceiving and living in the relationship between citizens and arts, especially live arts contemporary language. As it will originate a new condition, Altofest Malta 2018 will be the beginning of a new epic of the “cultural hero” citizen. He will accept the challenge of blending his/her everyday life with the revelation of artistic creation. 20 citizens in 4 different areas of the island will be the pioneers of an experience that will leave a cultural heritage.
The schedule for Altofest Malta is as follows:
13th April 2018 – Opening in Strait Street, Valletta
20 – 22 April 2018 – Performances in Rabat, Manikata & Majjistral Park
27 – 29 April – Performances in Qormi, Ħamrun & Santa Venera
4 – 6 May 2018 – Performances in Żejtun
11 – 13 May 2018 – Performances in Bormla, Birgu, Valletta, Gżira & Sliema
To discover what’s in store for Altofest Malta, follow this link for more detailed information. To book, kindly follow this link.
Created and organised by TeatrInGestAzione with Artistic Direction by Anna Gesualdi and Giovanni Trono and with the participation of diverse space doors in Malta.
If you would like to find out more about Altofest, check out their website for information about past editions in Naples, Italy. Visit
A documentary film crossing by Altofest Malta 2018
Documenting the Altofest 2018 for Valletta 2018, the director Giuseppe Valentino tried to experience the festival from the Maltese point of view. The impact of Altofest that mixes with the Maltese culture. It is a clash? An invasion? What do these people want on our island? The documentary tries avoid answers.
Altofest Malta 2018, is a project that explored experimental sociality through contemporary live art. During Altofest, Maltese citizens hosted international artists in their houses, which then became venues that welcomed audiences to see diverse performances. The theme behind Altofest Malta 2018 was ‘Legendary People’. Altofest creates a unique opportunity for perceiving and living the relationship between citizens and the arts. The project deals with how art emerges from the community as a distinctive expression and becomes an instrument of social growth. A cultural project which inserts itself in the life of the city, directly involving its community, creates a new mythology where heroes are among its citizens. These heroes become ‘cultural heroes’, according to anthropologists, who influence the customs and traditions of the other citizens, and who bring innovation to the community while establishing a cultural identity.
Teatru Triptiku, b’direzzjoni u produzzjoni ta’ Jacob Piccinino, kien serje ta’ interventi artistiċi qosra madwar it-toroq tal-Belt Valletta. Dawn kienu marbuta mill-qrib man-narrattiva ta’ Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture għas-sena, u b’hekk iservu ta’ introduzzjoni għall-Programm Kulturali fejn il-ftuħ tiegħu sar fl-20 ta’ Jannar li għadda.
This annual conference is led by the voluntary organisation, Electronic Music Malta, with the 2016 and 2017 editions held in collaboration with Fondazzjoni Kreattività. In 2018, Circuits will also host an interactive music installation at Saint James Cavalier, a series of talks by two international electronic music artists, and a performance on modular synthesisers. University and MCAST students are invited to participate in the organisation of the upcoming conference, which offers great networking in the sphere of electronic and world music and visual arts. This event is supported by Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture and is part of the Spazju Kreattiv programme. Over the course of a day, the conference showcases a mix of arts, music and technology related to electronic music performance and production: installations, talks, workshops, challenges, equipment, expositions and a final performance.
Circuits 2018 huwa avveniment fejn fih ilaqqa’ diskussjonijiet, performances, preżentazzjonijiet, workshops interattivi bl-għan li jaqsmu l-ideat varji fejn tidħol mużika, teknoloġija u kreattivita’. Ltqajna ma’ Mike Desira, li huwa dilettant Malti ta’ l-elettronika, fejn bena modeller synthesizer li joħloq ħsejjes differenti. Nhar is-Sibt li ġej l-pubbliku, ser jingħata’ l-opportunita’ li tużgħu dan is-synthesizer u japplika Din hija organizzata mill-organizazzjoni volontarja Electronic Music Malta, din hija t-tielet edizzjoni ta’ Circuits music conference. Dan l-avveniment huwa appoġġjat minn Valletta 2018 – European Capital of Culture u jifforma part mill-programm ta’ Spazju Kreattiv.
Circuits 2018 huwa avveniment fejn fih ilaqqa’ diskussjonijiet, performances, preżentazzjonijiet, workshops interattivi bl-għan li jaqsmu l-ideat varji fejn tidħol mużika, teknoloġija u kreattivita’. Ltqajna ma’ Darren Borg, li huwa mużiċist li ħoloq strument electro mekkaniku. Nhar is-Sibt li ġej l-pubbliku, ser jingħata’ l-opportunita’ li tużgħu dan l-istrument.
Kif jistgħu l-artisti jittraduċu idea, tema jew forma oħra ta’ ispirazzjoni bħal din bl-aħjar mod fi proġett bħal installazzjoni? Liema forma ta’ assistenza hija disponibbli biex l-artisti jkunu jistgħu jirrealizzaw tali proġetti? Electronic Music Malta tippreżenta EMM Talks #2 – A Means to an End – diskussjoni pubblika li se ġġib flimkien lil Mario Sammut (Cygna), Andrew Schembri, Toni Gialanze (Late Interactive) u Toni Attard (Direttur, Culture Venture) biex jiddiskutu dan is-suġġett interessanti.
The conceptual basis for Deep Shelter Project Project (DSP), a project by Pamela Baldacchino, is based on a simple framework – that of reflection, relation and revelation (of meaning). This allows one to analyse the experience of illness, hospitalisation and care, as well as, relate this to the visual art process.
The Deep Shelter Project brings together research within the Psychological Support Services at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, sensory workshops with cancer survivors and artist workshops for the creation and donation of artworks to clinical hospital spaces.
The Deep Shelter Project is supported through the Malta Arts Fund managed by Arts Council Malta.