One year ago, we met at the ZAD near Nantes for the Transborder Summer Camp: more than 500 activists came together for amazing exchange and mutual inspiration. Now, we want to invite you for a digitalTSC from the 15-18.07.2020.
With the digitalTSC we want to provide a space to re-discuss strategies and challenges in (post) Corona times: we want to continue the discussions and networking debates that took place at the TSC, to understand where we are now 1 year later. And importantly, we want to propose a transnational decentralized mobilization for the beginning of September: on the 5th anniversary of the “March of Hope” – and the historic breakthrough against the border regime in 2015 during the long summer of migration along the Balkan route.
The digitalTSC will take place in different online meetings. Below you find a first program. Of course, everybody is welcomed to join as many sessions as they want, however, considering how exhausting online meetings are for many, we hope that people might join the two (bigger) plenary sessions and one or two (smaller) workshops. The digitalTSC will take place in English and French with translations.