We are offering a collection of 5555 NFTs for individual sale. Among these works are the 16 originals that can be seen here on the site. The remaining 5539 works are collectibles that our script has made based on the originals. The sale of the individual works takes place covertly – anyone who buys an NFT does not know beforehand which one it is. Exactly 24 hours after the sale, you will find out which work you have bought. Then you can keep it or sell it on OpenSea. The price per NFT is 0.05 ETH (Ethereum).

Alle NFTshavewesucceededinbuyingthegoldenvisayet.gifvon !MEDIENGRUPPE BITNIKZum Salehavewesucceededinbuyingthegoldevisayet.gifby !MEDIENGRUPPE BITNIKhavewesucceededinbuyingthegoldevisayet.gif is a HQ 4K Status GIF. The current status is No. The GIF will be exchanged to Yes in the smart contract as soon as the Golden Visa is secured.havewesucceededinbuyingthegoldevisayet.gif is part of a series of NFTs by artists to help secure Golden Visas for refugees via the European residency by investment schemeCredits:Photo from Refugee Camp in Lesbos by Milad E.Graphics support by Rahel Arnold, Zurich”NO!” font animation uses blotter.js library https://blotter.js.org/