In the Sustainable Futures Camp (04.06. – 09.06.) local groups from Croatia, Germany,Greece, Finland, Malta and Poland will get together in a rural one-week camp near Berlin. Therewe will have nature experiences and explorations and reconnect to indigenous wisdom.Furthermore, partakers will form groups of 4 people and ideate and accelerate their concepts tospread knowledge about positive futures supporting the convivial conversation and neededsocio-ecological transformation.
Although millions of people around the world are demanding climate protection andsustainability, the speed of the necessary adaptation and mitigation is completely inadequate.Many people recognize that planetary boundaries, the climate and biodiversity crisis, theunregulated globalised financial system, and the increasingly unequal distribution of wealth thatendangers peace as a whole poses existential problems for human societies. They are ready toquestion the world and critically reflect the way they have lived up to now, and search forsolutions. At the same time, however, existing solutions seem partly unknown, unclear orcontradictory or difficult to imagine. Climate change is proven to be the most urgent andconsequential issue humankind has ever faced. How content producers address it in the nexttwo decades might determine the kind of world current and future generations will live in. In thebook “The Future We Choose” by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac (they lednegotiations for the UN’s Paris Agreement of 2015) two possible scenarios for planet Earth areoutlined. One describes what life on Earth will be like by 2050 if Paris climate targets will befailed. The other one refers to a carbon neutral, regenerative world, and how head-on optimismcan fend off the occurring disasters.