32C3: 30th Chaos Communication Congress

This year our friends Anton & Karsten from the Goto10 collective visited the 30th CCC congress.

Five lectures I made a note of:

1) Internet Lanscapes

In Internet Landscapes, Evan Roth with discuss his work as it relates to visualizing, archiving and understanding the Internet and its effects on culture with a focus on the misuse of communication technologies. Roth will trace his personal and creative history within an Internet landscape that has changed significantly in the last 16 years. The presentation will include a range of work culminating in his more recent pilgrimages to the beaches of the UK, New Zealand and Sweden, where submarine Internet fiber optic cables reach the land. Armed with an array of paranormal technologies, Roth will recount his personal quest to visualize and reconnect with a changing Internet landscape.

2) Datahavens

Datahavens have long been discussed as a solution to user security and privacy needs. Instinctively, the idea of physical locations where servers for communications, financial privacy, and other services can work is easily understood and seems appealing. As a founder of the HavenCo datahaven on Sealand in 2000, I saw firsthand the potential and the pitfalls of this approach.

Datahavens have long been discussed as a solution to user security and privacy needs. Instinctively, the idea of physical locations where servers for communications, financial privacy, and other services can work is easily understood and seems appealing. As a founder of the HavenCo datahaven on Sealand in 2000, I saw firsthand the potential and the pitfalls of this approach.

We will discuss the concept behind datahavens, some specific examples, the legal and technical challenges they face, and how specifically HavenCo failed. While projects to date have largely failed, there is hope for the future, both in the physical datahaven approach and in technical measures, so there is good reason to be optimistic.

3) Netzpolitik in der Schweiz

2015 und 2016 sind wichtige Jahre für die Netzpolitik in der Schweiz, denn die Parlamente entscheiden sowohl die Revision des BÜPF (Bundesgesetz betreffend die Überwachung des Post- und Fernmeldeverkehrs) als auch das NDG (Nachrichtendienstgesetz).

Die beiden Gesetze würden den entsprechenden Bundesbehörden deutlich mehr Handlungsfreiheiten einräumen, wenn es um das Sammeln von Daten auf Vorrat und das Überwachen der Telekommunikation geht. Im Vortrag geben wir eine Übersicht über die beiden Gesetze und sprechen darüber, welche Auswirkungen sie unserer Meinung nach haben werden und was wir dagegen unternehmen und bereits unternommen haben.

Einige der am stärksten kritisierten Punkte der Gesetze sind:

    • Dem Nachrichtendienst wird der Einsatz von Staatstrojanern gestattet,
    • Dem Nachrichtendienst wird exzessiver Zugriff auf den Internetverkehr in der Schweiz gestattet (Kabelaufklärung),
    • Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung in der Schweiz wird weiter ausgebaut.

Wir gehören zum CCC-CH und zur Digitalen Gesellschaft (Schweiz). In der Schweiz haben die Stimmberechtigten die Möglichkeit, das Referendum zu ergreifen. Gelingt es, innerhalb von einhundert Tagen nach in Kraft treten der Referendumsfrist 50’000 Unterschriften zu sammeln, so kommt der Gesetzesentwurf vor das Stimmvolk, welches das letzte Wort hat. Doch 50’000 Unterschriften wollen erst mal gesammelt werden… Leider werden die Gesetze zeitlich versetzt verabschiedet, so dass die Referendumsfristen nicht, wie ursprünglich erhofft, zusammenfallen. Es ist durchaus denkbar, dass es sich dabei um ein politisches Manöver handelt, da das BÜPF doch deutlich mehr Gegner hat als das NDG.

Im Falle des NDG hat die Digitale Gesellschaft, zusammen mit der Piratenpartei Schweiz, grundrechte.ch und dem CCC-CH, unter nachrichtendienstgesetz.ch eine Plattform erstellt, um die Unterschriftensammlung zu koordinieren. Zum Zeitpunkt des 32C3 wird die Referendumsfrist wohl schon beinahe vorbei sein. Wir berichten, wie das Unterschriftensammeln verlaufen ist, was das jetzt zur Folge hat und was wir daraus lernen können – auch in Hinsicht auf das BÜPF, dessen Referendumsfrist wohl kurz nach dem 32c3 beginnen wird. Glücklicherweise hat das BÜPF deutlich mehr Gegner als das NDG, weshalb sich die Initianten von stopbuepf.ch gute Chancen erhoffen.

Im Anschluss an den Talk gibt es eine ausgedehnte Diskussions- und Fragesession zu den behandelten Themen im Raum A.2: Siehe hier

4) Totalitarianism & Cyberspace

n my talk I am 1) discussing philosophical concepts of privacy, especially Hannah Arendt’s philosophy. I am 2) explaining why in a liberal-democratic system we need to protect our privacy and 3) what we can morally do to prevent catastrophes such as a totalitarian system from happening again. With Hannah Arendt’s arguments and her analysis of totalitarian systems in mind, I am referring to three examples from today’s privacy discussions: cybermobbing, Behavioral Advertising and secret services.

5) The State of Internet Censorship

The techniques to control access to the Internet, and the ability to bring transparency to those processes are both continuing to evolve. We’ll give an update on the landscape of online information controls, and our ability to measure them.

The talk will give an update on current country-level practices, the techniques in use to measure them, and an overview of major tools in use.

Over the past couple years, restrictions on Internet access have grown even more ubiquitous. Many take the form of URL or Domain blacklists implemented by western countries, along with increased levels of self censorship on social platforms with user generated content.

The measurement community continues to play a catch-up game. Through a mixture of watching legislature, an increased understanding of what we need to build to keep track of internet controls, and discoveries of side channels that let us externally measure connectivity, we’re making progress!

Firefox OS died

It looks like the promising Firefox OS phone alternative just died.

Firefox OS was publicly demonstrated in February 2012, on Android-compatible smartphones. By December 16, 2014, Firefox OS phones were offered from 14 operators in 28 countries throughout the world.

On December 8, 2015, Mozilla announced that it would stop sales of Firefox OS smartphones through carriers. Mozilla later announced that Firefox OS smartphones would be discontinued by May 2016, as the development of “Firefox OS for smartphones” would cease after the release of version 2.6.

D-Cent @ Nesta

Our friend Jaromil will come to London to present D-Cent @ the Nesta showcase conference.

D-CENT is a Europe-wide project bringing together citizen-led organisations that have transformed democracy in the past years, and helping them in developing the next generation of open source, distributed, and privacy-aware tools for direct democracy and economic empowerment.

There will be presentations from the D-CENT team demonstrating the technology and highlighting key insights learnt from direct democracy activity in Barcelona, Reykjavik, Helsinki and Madrid.

The Internet Society in Netherlands (isoc.nl) has nominated ten innovative and interesting initiatives to receive the Internet Innovation Award 2016. Were very happy to announce that D-CENT Freecoin is among the nominees. The winner will be selected and rewarded on the 14th of January at the Internet New Years event in Amsterdam.

The ISOC Internet Award is handed out to an important new internet initiative. It is a sign of high social recognition of achievements to improve the Internet and its use.

IMG_8752_ed_webAll our team is honored by the nomination. We are happy that our work on digital social currencies is being recognised already in such an early stage of development,” smiles Denis Roio, better known as Jaromil of Dyne.org, the D-CENT partner who has been designing and developing Freecoin.

D-CENT Freecoin is a set of tools to let people run reward schemes that are transparent and auditable to other organisations.

Freecoin is made for participatory and democratic organisations who want to incentivise participation, unlike centralised banking databases. It aims to leverage the use of social digital currencies in a reliable, simple and resilient way.


Read more about the Freecoin from D-CENT blog: http://dcentproject.eu/category/freecoin

The winner of the ISOC Internet Award 2016 will be selected and rewarded on the 14th of January at the Internet New Years event in Amsterdam.

The decision will be made by a professional jury consisting of Erik Huizer (SURF), Valerie Frissen (SIDN funds), Astrid Oosenburg (PvdA), Marjolijn Bonthuis (ECP) and Teun Gautier (Publeaks).



Open Science Conference Sao Paolo

We presented the after.video book project during the Besides the Screen / Open Science Conference in Sao Paolo. Adnan Hadzi & Pablo De Soto discussed the Drone Hackademy & Algorythmic Noir, a dystopian “future-opolis.” It became the location for their experimental film noir. Pushing the envelope of cinematic form, the film is edited live in real time by a custom programmed computer they call the “serendipity machine.” It delivers a changing narrative, culled from 3,000 clips, 80 voice-overs and 150 pieces of music, that could run forever and never plays the same way twice. The unexpected juxtapositions create a sense of suspense alluding to a story that the viewer composes. Driven by key words, the work seamlessly comes together as a movie that is not a movie. The film draws on the abstractions and reflections on transcendence of the artist Kasimir Malevich, and the fate of Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin, seen through the lens of science fiction and film noir.

The film follows the observations and surveillance of a geophysicist named Holz (Jeff Wood), stuck in a 1970s-looking metropolis operated by the New Method Oil Well Cementing Company. Voiceovers and dialogues forge the implied narrative—wire-tapped telephone conversations, reel-to-reel tapes, snippets of a job interview between Mr. Holz and his employer and a mysterious woman referred to simply as “Dispatch.” According to the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, whiteonwhite is a fascinating investigation into space and time, utopia and dystopia, fractured narration, train travel and landscapes marked by economic and ecological upheaval.

Percussion and distortion modules

000‘ is about aberrant analogue distortion and percussion devices for both stand-alone and Eurorack format. The Spanish/German øpen-hardware team will present at the London Music Hackspace for the fist time their new set of analogue percussive tools, followed by a DIY workshop where participants can build their complete stand-alone – or Eurorack-compatible modular drum system.

An introduction to analogue percurssive synthesis, concept and module design of an aberrant modular drum machine. The talk will also cover the ethos and philosophy of the open hardware team. Come ask questions and test the modules!

The talk will serve as a prelude to the workshops which will take place on the weekend of the 4th and 5th of December. You can choose the modules for the workshop in this link.


Datacide launches two books at the Anarchist Book Fair.

A major project in the works for quite some time, this is a complete reprint of the issues 1-10 of datacide, which originally appeared from 1997-2008. Titled “EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS”, the 364 page volume collects unique material, most of which has been out of print for many years, charting a one-of-a-kind history of the counter-cultures associated with electronic music and free festivals.
“The free space of the party met the free space of the page and then you got a dynamism that encouraged expression and perversions and tangents because the covers held it together as a nomadic movement and you were convinced that music had catalysed it all and that music was somehow inherently political as it sidestepped rhetoric and dogma, and absented us from control addicts and the free space of the page was a kind of historic party, a kind of invisible college, a launching pad for driftage.” Flint Michigan

Cyphersongs @ Piksel15

Our friends Rob, Barbara & Anton performed Cyphersongs @ Piksel15:

CipherSongs WEB

CipherSongs: Trustless is the second in a series of performance and installation works reflecting on issues surrounding encrypted network communication technologies. It is a data driven, audio visual installation/performance which responds to real-time data from the Bitmessage service. Bitmessage is a decentralised, peer-to-peer, trustless communications protocol. The service became particularly popular after the 2013 Snowden revelations exposing the widespread collection and analysis of communications metadata. These works respond to the threat to our “right to a private life” posed by the planned amendments in the UK to the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill (aka The Snoopers Charter). This amendment seeks to criminalise the use of encrypted communications in the UK. In this context, CipherSongs functions as the ‘canary in the coal mine’, an early warning system where the disappearance of song indicates a dangerous problem within the system.

This performance is a dialogue between the on-stage performers and the streams of encrypted network data. The data is picked up by performers and improvised into the physical performance space as well as streamed via the TOR hidden service. Alongside the data driven sonic improvisations are woven textual interpretations of both factual and fictional encrypted content.

Rob Canning (Laptop), Antonios Galanopoulos (Laptop), Barbara Kukovec (Voice/Electronics).


James Stevens & Adnan Hadzi are in Athens attending Hybrid City III where co-collaborators in next years MAZI project met together for the first time to hold a workshop at the event, discuss respective projects and get to know one another.

andreospanosadnanArmin Medosch gave closing keynote speech and just published the supporting document here!

Our work complete, here we are with Adnan, Andreas and Panos before diner at the beach.. !

This weekend YT will present a quick review of  Consume.net at the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network annual conference where members of the group will meet in Athens to celebrate progress and discuss future plans for development, wider inclusion and enhancements.

AMWN node=10636

AMWNnode10636kidperiscopeUp Periscope! is a printed media campaign to run at street level which presents an opportunity for passers by to investigate AWMN and see the view from the rooftop of each node location eg. Senius 10636. Each poster presents a QRcode for easy linking to the many panoramic images stored on the WIND node database.

AMWNnode10636can I see my apartment from here? then there is a good chance of making a link back.

So it is a tool for network builders to help identify viable locations to interlink with the free information infrastructure and promote AWMN. Over 1000 high speed wireless network nodes span Athens and across Greece, linking villages and cities alike.

YT and Adnan last visited Athens during New Babylon in 2014 and set out to introduce  reStreet workshop group to the delights of file synchronization with SYNC and Syncthing, QRcodes and button badges.


Our friend Mathias Jud visited us in London “Our visit to London last month finally realizes in an online Video. We have been invited to give a talk at a TED Global event. It was a good experience but also quite demanding with rehearsals, mandatory events and a strange diner at the house of the James Bond producer … and somehow asked not to talk about before the event. However the video has been put online today”, when producing a TED talk on Art that lets you talk back to NSA spies.

Contesting the “Dark Web”. CipherSongs: Trustless an installation for encrypted data streams

Rob Canning composed CipherSongs which one currently can tune into on http://cipher.kiben.net/

The abstract of his paper for BFX describes CipherSongs as:

CipherSongs: Trustless is the first in a proposed series of performance and installation works reflecting on issues surrounding encrypted network communication technologies. It is a data driven, audio visual installation which responds to real-time data from the Bitmessage service. Bitmessage is a decentralised, peer-to-peer, trustless communications protocol (Warren, 2012), the service became particularly popular after the 2013 Snowden revelations exposing the widespread collection and analysis of communications metadata. These works respond to the threat to our “right to a private life” (Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998) posed by the recently elected Conservative government’s plans to amend the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIPA) (Home Office, 2014). The proposed amendment to DRIPA, commonly referred to as “The Snoopers’ Charter”, seeks to abolish the use of encrypted communications in the UK16 . In this context, CipherSongs functions as the ‘canary in the coal mine’, an early warning system where the disappearance of song indicates a dangerous problem within the system.

The installation operates as an agent within the system it references, it is actively engaged with the data and political context that are its subjects. As nodes within both the Tor network and the Bitmessanger system it provides extra robustness and diversity to their decentralised infrastructures. It critiques the dominant assertions of the mainstream or “strategic media” which aligns users of strong cryptography with the “Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse”: drug dealers, paedophiles, money launderers and terrorists (May, 1994).