brainstorming 4th march 2006, tv hacking workshop

– hong kong city
– all saints church
– seagar distillery
– boat community
– housing in deptford
– dlr joutney
– day times in deptford
– music docs
– headjam, lewisham way 117
– pain, lewisham way
– dirtypins
– known
– the kut
– punch judy
– lost club
– destillery – open arts plattform
– i love nx
– bubble gum
– lewisham way
– danny
– new cross inn
– rehersal studios, commercial
– rubbish fairys
– deptford highstreet
– hayles gallery
– degentrification?
use your loaf – social center which has been squatted, free film nights
– pips estate
– redevelopment southwark, stratford, olympics
– infrastructure changing arround housing estates
– arts community
– how is housing changing?
– education
– public playgrounds
– what is the situation with the small shops?
– kranes / building sites
– control & space
– planing issues, planing documents
– abandonned vehicles
– historical review
– back in the times of the docks
– stowage archive material
– archive material research for database
– borders of deptford, lewisham, greenwich?
– new cross, brockley, deptford?
– cruiseliner terminal
– charity studies
– laban dance center
– deptford creek
– betting shops
– conspiracy?
– visual representation, forms, methods?
– show a historical change in architecture and society
– languages?
– subcultures

deptford a synphony of a city?

the idea comes from "berlin, synphony of a city", see below. the idea would be to do a music docmentary arround deptford to an industrial sound track
any musician interested in contributing sound out of deptford to the database please email to info(at)

Walter Ruttmann
«Berlin, Symphony of a City»

«During the many years of my movement studies drawn from abstract means, I have never been able to escape the urge to create from living materials, from the millions of movement-related energies that actually exist in the organism of the big city, a film symphony,» writes Ruttmann. For this project, Ruttmann works together with scriptwriter Carl Mayer, whose shares his exasperation with the artificiality and limitations of studio work. Carl Mayer writes a film treatment aimed at achieving a symphonic film structure, excluding both actors and a story. It concentrates on what really exists, and on a form that uses the inherent means of film. . (…) (Ruttman) intends for the viewer to experience the energies, dynamics and movements of the big city, with original cinematographic means. For this end, the filmed shots function as the starting point for a montage whose rhythm hypnotizes the viewer by conveying an experience in velocities, and also produce a new awareness regarding the objectivity of filmed shots.

(Source: Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF, Frankfurt/M, visit:, based on: Jean-Paul Goergen, Walter Ruttmann, «Eine Dokumentation», Berlin, 1989.)

notes soap box presentation

notes from the media art soap box presentation (programme see bellow):

over the open season will launch. the media collective will code the rough structure of the database to experiment with. is a database documentary around the deptford area and it’s regeneration process.

what do we understand with database documentary?

we’re assembling audio-visual content on the server, important to this assembly it the editing of metadata of each clip. under clip we understand the smallest “film” unit from start recording a sequence to end recording a sequence.

this metadata is accessible over a web-browser. the clips can be selected and downloaded to a local computer. on the local computer they can be edited and uploaded back to the server for publishing – together with the EDL (edit decision list) of each edit.

in the future this edl metadata of the edits will create a database sitting on top of the rough material and referring to versions of edits coming out of the database.

why regeneration?

in 2003 the laban dance center opened at deptford creek. herzog & de meuron are the architects – issues around the regeneration came up and students at goldsmiths college where discussing different perspectives of regeneration in different countries.

where i come from regeneration is called staedteplaning (city planing) and is not so immediate experienced as we saw it here in deptford.

if you’re interested in the development of the database and to see a work in progress show you can join us in the walk on the 24th of march or in the conference on the 25th of march, for details please see

Media Art Soap Box

02/03/2006, 18.30 – 20.30

What is ‘media art’? Who is doing it and why? An eclectic group of London artists and designers working with technology explain all with audiovisual presentations of their work in our Media Art Soapbox.

Projects range from the sublime to the seemingly ridiculous. Mull over the idea of growing spare organs for yourself in your pet, or consider the ‘architecture of ‘. There’s a huge variety of questions on and approaches to media art… What would it be like to experience colour in the same way as a TV screen operates? How does the basic geometry of the Earth change as we get closer to it in an aeroplane? Do scientists see things differently because of the way they are trained to look at the world? What if mobiles phones were instruments of torture inflicting pain every time we disturb others? And isn’t it time children’s stories were adapted to suit the computer age we’re living in?

Come and have your say in a series of mini workshops convened by art curators Andrew Chetty and Hannah Redler, art critic Piers Masterson and technologist Tom Quick.
Part of the NODE London season of media arts projects taking place in March 2006.

Anthony Alexander – No Straight Lines in Nature
Artafterscience with Barbara Zanditon – Randomness and Certainty
Saul Williams – The Zeos Series
Tina Gonsalves – Feel
Adnan Hadzi – Deptford.TV
Crispin Jones – Social Mobiles
Marcus Kirsch – Urban Eyes
Georgia Chativasileiadi – Human Conducted Tele-vision Apparatus
Tom Corby/Gavin Baily – Cyclone.soc
Elio Caccavale – Utility Pets
James Larsson – Bedtime Stories for Very Young Geeks
Richard Woods – Introduction to Wattson


Andrew Caleya Chetty – Curator, The Public
Piers Masterson – Development Manager, Free Form Arts
Tom Quick – co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Netemic

questions arround deptford regeneration & the boat community

what will happen with the creek?

will the boat have to leave?

how democratic are decision being made with the regeneration, how are people involved in the process?

it will take more then ten years to regenerate the area.
who is planning the regeneration process?

start documenting the process (who did what?)
feeding everything into one archive.

a docfilm club on the boat?

is it possible to tell good stories over collective filmmaking?

the boat session & remix conference

The idea is to host a small event on the Mine Sweeper for  March 25th. It should be hight tide (need to double check) around 8pm on Sat 25th March and the basic proposal is to set up a wireless internet link to the internet so that we can broadcast as an Deptford.TV. . This could then go to a community channel for a live vj session on the cable network.

The talks during the day would be regarding the regeneration of the Creek, the impact of the Laban Centre and architecture on the area and the impact on local communities – such as the boat community, scrap yards etc. We will invite architects, boat people, psychologists, local characters / artists and in general an interesting cross section to sit on the boat and watch the “official” art of regeneration engagement taking place at the Laban.

The event would be documented by Deptford.TV. The way it is documented both sound and video wise is yet to be decided – but may be along the lines of “ambient media” or sound and video textures – rather than explicit narrative. This material will be presented live, and then an editied version later used as content within what we are calling (for lack of a better word) a magazine / new form of publication (internet and print-on-demand based) film-database.

The central concept of the talk is to be thrashed out – but essentially will discuss the conflict between top-down and bottom-up structures in the context of what is happening in front of the people gathered. It is a commentary.

Practical Issues
1.A wireless internet connection from the Minesweeper to the Laban or via the Laban to Deckspace in Greenwhich. Could link to Gray World.
2.Inviting key speakers
3.Timing of live Deptford.TV broadcast – the vj session
4.Any issues regarding “critisism” of other parties invovled?
5.Budget so do we engage in “Trade in Kind” or even explicit Time Trade. We can only motivate people with equipment and time if they are getting enough out of project – mooring negotiation is key for motivation.

perspective from the boating POV

parallel worlds boating community enclosed on themselves
architects and culture institutions inward facing

The narrative collects a network of personal perspectives of the regeneration process taking place in the area of the Laban Centre and the neighboring water way and boating community on Deptford Creek. There is a fundamental structure of two parallel narratives taking place withing the same physical place, but rarely touching. A few individuals (promiscuous links in small world terminology) move between these narratives, resulting in an oddly intertwined clash of cultures, with classically one ousting the others.

The Mine Sweeper is a 150ft teak sea faring boat, built in the 1950’s to clear mines from the Suez canal. 12 were built. It is presently moored on the river bank facing the Laban centre, where it will have to move (in the near future), due to the development of the river bank by property developers as part of an ongoing regeneration process in the Deptford Creek area.

The London boat community is an eccentric space, populated by ex-squaters, enthusiasts and a wide variety of characters from diverse backgrounds. The narrative views the impact of the arrival of the Laban centre, and the forthcoming redevelopment of the area from the perspective of the boat community and the associated light businesses that will have to relocate as part of the process.

The river community in many ways represents the last bastion of free mobile cowboy-space in London. Most of the the historical dockyards in london have already been developed – squating is more or less a thing of the past.

Architectural Presence
The building of the Laban Centre is the first step in the redevelopment along the waterfront, and as such sets a permitted standard for future development.

Facade is designed in colaboration with an artist.

Building arguably fails to interact with its environment – sky and surrounding structures reflect in its facade, and a possible reaction to the existing neighbouring warehouses is the shed-like appearance and structure, whilst the moved earth that has been landscaped into auditorium hills surrounding the dance centre are reminiscent of the actual landing.

The clean detailing of the facade glass panels against the plastic coloured at the moment they touch ground is noted. One way access in/onto the site, mooring originally planned has not yet been realised (why?) and waterfront side of the site instead been decorated with a fence concisting of irregular heights in vertical stainless steel poles/tubes. the building adds slight colours reflecting on the creeks surface. Thats it and there is extension …….

The public presentation of the building development was in 2000/01.

Failed boat funding
group involved inexperienced in boats as well as engineering works. Taking out the boat to a yard structure, the project ran into unknown depth of finances due to underestimation of the time and crafts inolved to repair a wooden boat.

Deptford.TV on Channel 4’s fourdoc blog

Deptford TVWe like to give space to interesting documentary showings and opportunities around the country and world. But at the moment, there are far too many exciting doc screenings and events coming up to give them the space they deserve, so here’s a quick whizz through them, and apologies for being too brief: are hosting 3 two-day long hands on database filmmaking workshops, in which they hope to establish “a public database of documentary film and video to help annotate the regeneration processes in Deptford and across South East London.” They’ll be reviewing existing documentary material of the area, and discussing the creating of new work. We think this is really important work – historic areas often need regenerating, but we shouldn’t neglect to capture in docs how things once were. The free sessions are on the weekends of 3rd/4th, 10th/11th. 17th/18th March, with a walk around Deptford on the 24th and a conference on the 25th. For more information, email

locative media

with the project we establish a database of roughmaterial and edited clips which carry embeded metadata. the fact that we use an open content license makes it possible that the material can be shared between the participants.

such a database offers searches on existing footage into themes, dates, authors, description etc.

and regeneration shouldn’t really mean gentrification – deptford greek just lies on the border between greenwhich and lewisham – urban, industrial setting – now there are plans of changing the face of deptford and to bring this two boroughs together. many issues arise about which we would like to tell & discuss at – in a way locative media…

thoughts on collaborative film-making

the main area of interest is the research of new methods of filmmaking and
where they can be applied, looking at (and refering to) the old utopia of
the video movement (60ties / 70ties) and further back brechts many-to-many
thesis of radio distribution and the vertoff theories on film: reaching
access to culture and knowledge through media for as many people as

in the case of this is done with the use of digital networks
under open licences. the thesis is that the use of floss and open content
will enable these "utopian" forms of communication to a certain degree (as
in collective approaches to media production).


Urban Renaissance


Urban Renaissance in Lewisham


Lewisham is a key location in South East London with existing public transport links to the city, Docklands and the whole Thames Gateway area. It has the potential to become one of the most exciting, dynamic and prosperous places in London to live and work.

Urban Renaissance in Lewisham (URL) is working on a comprehensive town centre scheme to raise the profile of Lewisham, create commercial confidence and enhance the potential of residents.

Almost £16 million of Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) and further private and public sector investment has been received to fund the programme. The redevelopment will:

  • create an efficient public transport interchange and new urban environment
  • provide new opportunities for existing and new residents in Lewisham Town Centre
  • promote business success
  • enhance open spaces