Reclaim our University

Reclaiming Our University Conference at Goldsmiths


The marketisation of Higher Education has radically undermined the idea of the university as a public institution – gearing institutional priorities towards what is financially profitable rather than socially and culturally worthwhile.

In this context of intense competition between universities for students and research funding, there has been a dramatic growth of capital projects, advertising budgets and Vice Chancellors pay. Meanwhile students face a huge debt burden, and staff, a working environment characterised by unmanageably high workloads, stress, inequality and insecurity.

Read the report.

FOMO – Fear of Missing out @ ICA

!Mediengruppe Bitnik presents their work at the Fear of Missing Out conference (ICA London) together with Peter Sunde from Kolmisoppi.

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi discusses his work within the organisation Konsthack. Best known for co-founding the controv#FOMO2ersial The Pirate Bay, Kolmisoppi is a Berlin/Kuopio-based Scandinavian hacker/artist working with projects that have the potential to change society. In particular, he deals with questions of intellectual property rights.

The Q&A with Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi is led by Matthew Fuller.

Artists !Mediengruppe Bitnik present Random Darknet Shopping Bots, Mail Art and Surveillance Algorithms, giving insight into their latest work around bots. Retracing their recent explorations into the Darknets – from Memes to Onionland – !Mediengruppe Bitnik examine anonymity as a form of anti-identity and the approach of applying loss of control as a means to challenge established structures and mechanisms.

Mazi Mondays

Panos-small“What I had in mind is that the research would focus on an area covered by a local network either permanently or at least during the duration of the project. This network would host locally crafted educational material and floss applications that would showcase emerging tools and technologies. This could be as simple as a single web hosting device offering short-range access or a community mesh network with broader objectives. “

This preferred area of focus may well coincide with existing mesh node installations.. it’s along the creek so there are indigenous social housing, boating, artistisan, hoodlum, drinking and eating communities as well as inevitable high rise developments and mixed emotions!

SPC has capacity in it’s network to offer uplinks to Mazi for the duration..  Mesh solutions are great for mobile network nodes and for resilience in an unstable environment. Primed with a set of great locations and willing collaborators aplenty, a point to point radial model will ensure greater stability and higher speeds for community needs. We already have a few low power servers and resources available and have set up a mazi subdomain of

SE9 mateThere is a swell of social, cultural and creative interest along Creekside in Deptford where we have enjoyed success in the past. We hope to rekindle interest and activity in support of the Mazi workshop program and the adoption of a locally delivered alternative to commercial web dependencies.  Meanwhile the whole area is being “developed” so there are rising blocks on every quarter isolating areas of Deptford which will present a challenge when fixing links and bridging ideas.

The river Ravensbourne snakes from Bromley through Lewisham and opens out after Elverson Road DLR into naturalised riverside alongside Brookmill Park. It retreats into a concrete slot under the A2 at Deptford Bridge DLR and emerges as Deptford Creek up behind LeSoCo (Lewisham College) canyoned by new flats and hotels on the Greenwich side, developments that are set to run the length of Norman Road.


Just as the Creek broadens a little and gets really muddy there is a branch mooring a dozen barges and smaller boats. On land there are a similar array of trailers and vans where people live and work. At the top of Creekside on the corner of Deptford Church Street is the Birdsnest live music pub and local flux point. The yard that wraps around it features Big red Pizza Bus and an array of related performance and construction trades. Other adjacent properties are in progress of reactivation in the sweep of enthusiasm for SE8. APT (artists in perpetuity trust) purchased the old factory building in 1995 and their community of traditional crafts practitioners are at the core of Deptford artist reputation.

Creekside Education Centre  has the only direct access to the creek. Boundless broadband coop was first implanted here in 2004, and is still operating an OWN node today. Over the road is the Crossfields council housing estate, repopulated  by young families,  artists and musicians in 1970’s and regularly commented on. Thereafter it’s a pick n mix run of light industrial yards, Scaffolders, Machinists, Work Units, Art Studios, Cockpit Arts, Laben Dance and bonanza of real estate prospectors with plans to block out the light.

cropped-minesweeper2001A 2nd world war Minesweeper is moored alongside one of few remaining light industrial estates off Norman Road. It has a mixed crew of arty anarchos who screen print t-shirts and lead on refurbishment of the aged hull, host great parties and a flotilla of smaller boats. Madcap Coalition have just moved to one of the remaining warehouses adjacent to the cement works by the Creek Road lifting bridge. Finally at the mouth a new pedestrian swing bridge links between swanky new condo’s before the creek tips into the Thames.

More, much more info about the area and it’s many great features, ideas and activities are reported in a clutch of local blogs, projects and innovations to numerous to detail here.

Here is the MAZI project outline;
Do-It-Yourself networking refers to a conceptual approach to the use of low-cost hardware and wireless technologies in deploying local communication networks that can operate independently from the public Internet, owned and controlled by local actors.
MAZI means “together” in Greek and the MAZI project invests in this paradigm of technology-supported networking, as a means to bring closer together those living in physical proximity. Through an experienced interdisciplinary consortium, MAZI delivers a DIY networking toolkit that offers tools and guidelines for the easy deployment and customization of local networks and services.
The MAZI toolkit is designed to take advantage of particular characteristics of DIY networking: the de facto physical proximity between those connected; the increased privacy and autonomy; and the inclusive access. Such characteristics are used to promote information exchanges that can develop the location-based collective awareness, as a basis for fostering social cohesion, conviviality, knowledge sharing, and sustainable living.
To achieve this objective, MAZI brings together partners from different disciplines: computer networks, urban planning and interdisciplinary studies, human-computer interaction, community informatics, and design research. These academic partners will collaborate closely with four community partners to ensure that the MAZI toolkit benefits from the grounded experience of citizen engagement.
MAZI draws from the diverse mix of competencies of its consortium to develop a transdisciplinary research framework, which will guide a series of long-term pilot studies in a range of environments, and enhanced by various cross-fertilization events.
The main goal of this process, and its measure of success, is establishing DIY networking as a mainstream technology for enabling the development of collective awareness between those in physical proximity, and the development of surrounding research and theorizing of this approach.
Participants; University of Thessaly, NetHood, Edinburgh Napier University, Berlin University of the Arts, Open University, INURA Zurich Institute, SPC, Prinzessinnengarten, and unMonastery.

Cryptoparty @ ThoughtWorks

Cryptoparty: Possible Topics

  • mobile security
  • encrypt emails with PGP
  • encrypt your IMs with XMPP and OTR
  • anonymous surfing Tor
  • privacy enhancing browser plugins
  • file and hard-drive encryption with TrueCrypt hard-drive encryption with LUKS
  • password security and managers
  • Linux installation
  • Tails (safe and anonymous operating system… please bring a thumb drive if interested)
  • Pond (encrypted Tor based messaging system without meta data and spam)

Also worth a look: index of the handbook
Useful for non-journalists as well: Information Security for Journalists


  • 7 p.m.: short intro and welcome speech, possibly followed by short lectures
  • 8 p.m. (at the latest) we’ll start the laptops, learn about the topics your interested in and install/configure the related software


  • Taking photos or filming will not be allowed. Please leave the cameras in your pockets.
  • Smoking is possible in the yard.


Please send questions to the Berlin mailinglist. Or through

Weapons of the geek

Exploring digital spheres with Gabriella Coleman.

CC BY 2.0: Zak Milofsky on flickr

Gabriella Coleman is on of the most (if not the most) prominent anthropologist in the field of hacking culture and digital activism. During the last years, she became known as «the world’s foremost scholar on Anonymous». Her research intensively accompanied Anonymous through the developments of the last years, gaining deep insights on «what began as a network of trolls [and] has become a wellspring of online insurgency», as her new book Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous states. It recently has been named to Kirkus Reviews’Best Books of 2014.

En Necromasse: an optimistic, fungal perspective on death and production

Our friend Debra Solomon opened her show “En necromass: an optimistic, fungal perspective on death and production”

Debra’s practice has involved exploring the role of fungi as transformers of organic materials and as soil builders. Her residency placed particular emphasis on the soil rhizosphere; where plant roots, microbiota and soil fungi interact. During her residency she closely observed soil building in the diverse living locations of the gardens and woods at Schumacher and within the Dartington Estate. She was also able to engage with horticultural experts, including the Head Gardener at Schumacher (Jane Gleason), the Head Gardener at Dartington (Ian Gilbert) and the Forest Garden expert Martin Crawford, in a conversation about the value of soil compared to mainstream agricultural practice.

From this experience she developed a series of screen-prints, presented here, about soil from the perspective of fungi called En necromass: an optimistic, fungal perspective on death and production. The works reference the vast communication and exchange that takes place in around the root zone. Here there is the most life and nutrient production as well as the death and decay of organic matter, as nutritious necromass transforms into soil. The rootball of a recently storm-felled tree, mycelium feeding on a dead leaf, a leaf’s skeleton, and spore prints that appear as ghosts, tell a myco-centric story of materials becoming soil.  The silkscreen prints were produced with the well-known Amsterdam printmaker, Kees Maas.

Sealed with a Bit

Sealed with a Bit @ r15

Short thesis:
Random Darknet Shopping Bots, Mail Art and Surveillance Algorithms: Mediengruppe Bitnik on their latest works, Art and Technology

!Mediengruppe Bitnik are contemporary artists based in Zurich. In their talk they will give some insights into their latest works around bots. They will retrace their recent explorations into the Darknets – from Memes to Onionland – and talk about anonymity as anti-identity and applying loss of control to challenge established structures and mechanisms.

!Mediengruppe Bitnik has been known for sending a bot called «Random Darknet Shopper» on a three-month shopping spree in the Darknets where it randomly bought items like Ecstasy and had them sent directly to the exhibition space.

In early 2013 they sent a parcel to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy. The parcel contained a camera which broadcast its journey through the postal system live on the internet. They describe «Delivery for Mr. Assange» as a SYSTEM_TEST and a Live Mail Art Piece.

Bots: Tracking Systems of Control

At Disruption Network Lab / Bots: Tracking Systems of Control !Mediengruppe Bitnik talks about Tracking Systems of Control

Disruption Network Lab is an ongoing platform of events and research focused on art, hacktivism and disruption. The Laboratory takes shape through a series of conference events at Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin. The goal is to present and generate new possible routes of social and political action within the framework of hacktivism, digital culture and information technology, focusing on the disruptive potential of artistic practices. The Disruption Network Lab is a conceptual and practical zone where artists, hackers, networkers, activists, whistle-blowers and critical thinkers enter into a dialogue. @ Besides the Screen

… this was the abstract for the ‘show & tell’
… which we adapted and updated a little with the actual presentation:

» Show & Tell: the ‘S.o.S’ piratebox & beyondthis ‘show & tell’, held together with Adnan Hadzi, presents the reflections of the journey of the ‘S.o.S’ piratebox, a research hosted and interlinked with work-and-research structures of the Brazil Besides the Screen conference, the Istanbul Video Vortex event, the reSync Athens workshop, and finally the Berlin Transmediale festival.
Materials were loaded onto a research-black-box (Pirate-Box) that could & can accumulate and ‘commonize’ critical material, travel and be presented at any place in any particular we would like to discuss our ideas on new modes of collective and spectral research.
… and possibly give an outlook of the upcoming ‘’ project that evolved partly out of this – basing theory exposition on video as carrying format.—in my part I show some attempts to develop formats of credible ‘theory’-production beyond the text-form – and show some collective and media-saturated examples, also arguing for blurry lines between ‘academic’ theory building and other forms when it comes to contemporary cultural and social phenomena – or media culture itself.I also touch upon the impact a social semiotics approach has to formats of theory (theoretical referencing) itself, and touch upon questions of ‘cultural referencing’ – and its inherent difficulties in times of new global copyright regimes that particularly enclose the ‘moving image’.while complex systems of para-textual reference, exposition and theory-building are getting more and more abundant (making it possible to turn events like a conference into a hyper-text), the options to extend cultural references to the most central cultural ‘para-texts’ and semiotic resources is getting more and more problematic.
… thus the current phenomena in research, theory building and other forms of systematic ‘cultural referencing’ are showing us, how every new medial formation – and indeed: every new research formation – implies new forms of ‘piracy’ in its entourage. «

Departing from the relation of movie piracy with the economy and politics of content distribution, the symposium means to discuss the dynamics of authority embedded in contemporary systems of communication and explore how informal media practices might intervene with the development of new technologies, frame film curating, foster or inhibit particular scholarships, and even raise questions about the ontology of the moving image. BTS 2015 announcement

:: Besides the Screen
» seeks to make an intervention into film and screen studies by examining and considering the elements of cinematic experience, production and dissemination that exist beside the screen. New media technologies impact cinema well beyond the screen; they also promote the reorganization of its logic of distribution, modes of consumption and viewing regimes. This publication speculates about the changes in modes of accessing, distributing, storing and promoting moving images and how they might affect cinematographic experience, economy and historiography. In doing so, Besides the Screen examines three key themes: distribution, promotion and curation. The volume’s main argument is that we must examine those practices that exist besides the screen if we are to consider fully how filmic experience is mediated by various technological and societal changes in the early decades of the twenty-first century «


Thursday 9th April 2015 12.00 – 17.00 – DMLL Grass – Workshop [invited participants online]
17.00 – 19.30: Besides the Screen Book Launch

Friday 10th April 2015 DMLL Teaching Room

10.00 – 10.30: Welcome and Intro to Besides the Screen Network – Virginia Crisp

10.30 – 12.00: Panel 1
_ The Pirate Cinema – Nicolas Maigret The Pirate Cinema
_ Read Me – Maria Roszkowska
_ Tropa(s) de Elite: of the Forms Created within Informal Media – Gabriel Menotti

12.15 – 13.45: Panel 2

_ Torrentocracy: Archival Chivalry and Piratical Honourability – Jonas Andersson Schwarz
_ Show and Tell: the ‘S.o.S’ Piratebox and Beyond – Adnan Hadzi and Oliver Lerone Schultz
_ Gambiarra Culture in Brazil and its Impact on Piracy – h.d. Mabuse

14:30 – 16.00: Panel 3

_ Piracy and Access to Educational Materials in Rio de Janeiro: Shadow Libraries and Beyond – Pedro Mizukami
_ Reimagining Film History Through Piracy: Reflections on the Case of Budget Films, 1975 – Paul McDonald
_ Pirate Capitalism: The Theory and Practice of Monstrosity – Gary Hall

16.15 – 17.45: Plenary Lecture
_ Piracy and Economic Plurality Ramon Lobato

17.45 – 18.00 Closing remarks – Virginia Crisp


Adnan Hadzi – Spectrals of the Spectacular from Besides the Screen on Vimeo.

Show and Tell: the ‘S.o.S’ Piratebox and Beyond

Oliver and Adnan presented the ‘S.o.S’ Piratebox and beyond @ the Besides the Screen conference Piracy.

Show & Tell: the ‘S.o.S’ piratebox & beyond” presents the reflections of the journey of the ‘S.o.S’ piratebox, a research hosted and interlinked with work-and-research structures of the Brazil Besides the Screen conference, the Istanbul Video Vortex event, the reSync Athens workshop, and finally the Berlin Transmediale festival. Materials were loaded onto a research-black-box (Pirate-Box) that could & can accumulate and ‘commonize’ critical material, travel and be presented at any place in any time.

In perspective we aimed at two ways to make these ‘pre-syncs’ valuable for future common use:
1: restreet, AWMN and local knowledge commons production: we were collectively thinking about ways to network and share the material in ways useful to pre-existing local structures
2: The ‘Glossary of Subsumption : collective edition’ will be a longer-term project creating critical collective characterizations of new forms of ‘integrative power’ and ‘value extraction’ in the post-media age.

Oliver Lerone Schultz and Adnan Hadzi from Besides the Screen on Vimeo.

Our friend Jonas Andersson Schwarz presented a paper on Torrentocracy: Archival chivalry and piratical honourability:

Using my own empirical research on file sharing communities and everyday file sharer justification, I explore a range of sociological observations, reflecting the human tendency to form social clusters and draw up normative boundaries. Taking the phenomenon of private BitTorrent trackers and their auxiliary online communities into consideration, I explore how boundaries of membership, status, taste, and individual norm are policed.

There is more to file sharing than The Pirate Bay. Private tracker communities are covert archives that often excel in quality and depth, yet—due to their clandestine nature, enforced due to the rigidity of presently surrounding copyright regimes—they remain far from utopian, far from public even, since far from everyone would have the social capital and technical skill to access them.

In my presentation, I will delve on issues of charismatic authority, the formation of sociotechnical fields, and the emergence of de facto hierarchical structures in an allegedly heterarchical environment. One of my key arguments is the necessity to treat file sharer motivation with appropriate levels of critical concern; here, the academic field of critical media studies should serve as a guiding light. If media consumers are increasingly becoming (co)producers and (co)distributors as well, these latter roles entail a power dimension; the power to influence, and the power to build and maintain infrastructure. At what point does these forms of power become significant enough to be worthy of adequate critical investment among sociologists of digital life?

Jonas Schwarz from Besides the Screen on Vimeo.