Taking care of things

thanksforthingsFrom the 15th till the 18th of January we participated in the Taking Care of Things Meeting at the Stadtarchiv Lüneburg Germany. This was also the closing event for the Post Media Lab Incubator project at Leuphana University and our research fellowship with them.tasty8mmtelecini

The visit began with a tour of the city archive during which we heard about the main activities of the institution not least the film, map and image collections. They wish to extend access to these via street access sync points in the near future.

robertshowsinterlaceWe convened one of seven care groups Mesh Media! to look at open, collaborative systems that facilitate collective abilities to store, curate, share, edit, redistribute and re-purpose media while at the same time creating new frames of reference and practice in public. We were pleased to have presentations by Eric Kluitenberg of Tactical Media Files, Volker Grassmuck and Jan Torge of ‘InternetTV for the newMedia Generation’ Grundversorgung, open wireless network advocates Freifunk Lueneburg and Robert Ochshorn with Interlace. (See last section for more details..)

haukeatponsbarMedia was selected from the respective archives and uploaded to publicly presented syncronisation points adjacent to each Freifunk node in Lueneburg city centre.

lunenodemapWe produced a map to illustrate the locations of syncronisation points as a  data trail which was toured by a small group of Lueneburg locals. They were encouraged to scan the QRcode posters and NFC tags they found on the street first connecting to Freifunk wireless then activating the BTsync to distribute the images and films.

Please try these BTsyncs yourself 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12 – or get the set! confused ? see the howTo..

thingsqrcodeThe post-medial is not tied to any particular modality of media, neither to “new” or “old”, “digital” or “analog”, nor to “connected” or “offline”. Nevertheless it relies on new medial affordances (what? affordances! :-)) and possibilities, allowing for new kinds of collective repositories and living archives. How can these new collecitve, transitory and ad-hoc repositories of ‘many media’ look like? What are their (possible) protocols of turning consumers into makers, individuals into groups, and media into structured, living and meaningful (micro-)social memory? What are possible assemblages that withstand idiosyncrasy and expert-ism, but are ‘avant-garde’ and progressive in form and function nevertheless?

_object/ive (for ‘Parliament of Things’)…?!
16th January morning: Introduction
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Introduction of people and workshops + overall choreography *For  this we ask you to bring and present an object (any kind of object)  that you relate to, care about and are willing to donate to the  archive.*
16th January afternoon: Freifunk & Grundversorgnung present their projects & Freifunk nodes flashing
  • 12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:00: Grundversorgung (CDCvideo.de, online video interview tool, VODO.net, OPD, Poparchiv) & WikiVision
  • 15:00 – 16:00: Freifunk presentation
  • 16:00 – 18:00: Flashing Freifunk Node & installing them in Lueneburg (10 nodes have been ordered & arrived @ Grundversorgung) // Uploading of materials to an Interlace instance (preparation for Friday afternoon) -> create map of all the freifunk nodes in lueneburg one could walk (for Saturday)
17th January, morning: Interlace & Tactical Media Files presentation
  • 10:00 – 11:00: Tactical  Media Files: Presentation about archiving as part of a ‘living’  cultural process, which means that it happens also very much outside of  the digital, in embodied encounters and ‘lived practices’ (activism,  artistic production, and more).
  • 11:00 – 12:00: Interlace:
17th January, afternoon:
  • 12:00 – 14:00: All   together Now! – reviving the legendary ‘Brown Bag’ Session a  collective  Power-Thought-Exchange-Lunchy-Thing Groups share and receive  food and  feedback.
  • 14:0014:30: Break
  • 14:30 – 18:00: Media Mesh: Collaborative editing on Interlace with ‘Tactical Medie Files’ & ‘Lueneburg City Archive’ materials (needs preparation & uploading of materials)
  • 21:00 PUBLIC*: Zum Kollektiv, Scharffsches Haus, Heiligengeiststr. 38, 21335 Lüneburg *Screening  Things* – an open, partly curated public screening including footage  from the Stadtarchiv and works by ‘Taking Care of Things!’ participants
18t January, morning: Start the derive of Lueneburg @ Freiraum
  • 11:00 – 12:00: Meeting @ Freiraum, presenation Freiraum & Freifunk
  • get bittorrent sync to work on mobile phones
18th January, afternoon: Finish the walk @ city archive, meet up & exchange experiences
  • 12:00 – 14:00: walk through Lueneburg, download media from freifunk nodes over bittorrent sync
  • 14:00 – 17:00: Meeting @ City Archive */Stadtarchiv/  *Parliament of Things * a public fair and exhibition displaying the  results of the two-day workshop intermixed with city archive material—an  opportunity for the local public to engage with ‘Taking Care of  Things!’ and the Stadtarchiv in a variety of activities igniting &  deepening conversations around archives, life-cycles and care.
Hauke Winkler: Freifunk Lueneburg // http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Lueneburg
James Stevens & Adnan Hadzi: DeckspaceTV //  http://www.postmedialab.org/adnan-hadzi-james-stevens
Eric Kluitenberg: Tactical Media Files / http://www.tacticalmediafiles.net/
Volker Grassmuck and others from Grundversorgung 2.0 (Jan Torge, Kilian, …) (http://digitale-grundversorgung.de/): WikiVision // http://www.wikivision.eu/
  • is a media sociologist, free-lance author and activist, has conducted research on the knowledge order of digital media, on copyright and the knowledge commons at Free University Berlin, Tokyo University, Humboldt University Berlin and University of São Paulo and is currently directing the project “Public Service Media 2.0” at the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) of Leuphana University Lueneburg. He was project lead of the conference series Wizards-of-OS.org and of the copyright information portal iRights.info, co-founded mikro-berlin.org, privatkopie.net and CompartilhamentoLegal.org and blogs at vgrass.de.
Many Media, kollektive Interface | collective interfaces, Wilde Netzwerke | Wilderness Networks, lokale Übertragung+Speicher | local Transmission+Storage
Possible ideas:
– Work with Interlace on the city archives [with Freifunk (http://freifunk-lueneburg.de/) for local media-pickups]
– Work with Freifunk to display site specific (deep-linked) Interlace sections
– Work with Bittorrent Sync (http://www.bittorrent.com/sync) and/or OwnCloud (http://owncloud.org/) to offer the deep-linked media locally
– If we use a NAS @ Deckspace we could use the http://Deckspace.TV container on which Interlace is already running (robert what do you think?)
– we make timecapsules with the archive material -> embedded / injecting meta data into the objects -> share these objects as secrets during the workshop?
– Do a walk/derive on Saturday through Lueneburg, starting from Freiraum (http://www.freiraum-lueneburg.de/), exploring the Freifunk nodes, which are deep-linking into the city archives
Possible actions:
– Install a Freifunk node in the UK @ http://dek.spc.org
– Attach a NAS to the Freifunk node UK
– Thus creating a network between Germany, Sweden, UK (concerning media law & ‘public spheres’ one would have to consider a pan-european publishing network)
– maybe also install a Freifunk node in Switzerland (so to take the network out of the EU juristiction, plus Switzerland has ‘Freedom of Art’ as a constitutional right, see: http://www.unilu.ch/files/kunstbegriffendg.pdf)
– Order 10 Freifunk Nodes – done (Volker)
– Rent small Freiraum room for Saturday morning (two hours) -> budget?
– Flash around 10 nodes during the workshop & install them in Lueneburg (see instructions here: http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Lueneburg )
_Freifunk places that are linked:
– Freiraum / Salon Hansen
– Post Media Lab / CDC / Grundversorgung
_Freifunk places to link:
– Stadtarchive
– Anna & Arthur
– Pons bar
– Hausbar
– Apothekenstr
– Cinema Scala
– Jekyl & Hide
– Cafe fleur
– Zum Kollektiv
– Nina home
 (see the map above for final list)
_some more links/stuff
– the silent university http://thesilentuniversity.org/
– videovortex interlace http://vortex.inter.numm.org/
_Official Schedule
PROGRAM_January 15-18__Taking Care of Things!_
organized by Post-Media Lab, Habits of Living; in cooperation with Stadtarchiv
_Wednesday, Jan 15 PUBLIC_
Oliver Lerone Schultz: ‘Intersecting Cycles – A Welcome to a kind of Goodbye’
Nishant Shah: ‘Laying the Grounds – Archives, Life-Cycles, Care’
Kelly Dobson: ‘Why It Matters The Way Things Break’
– introduced by WendyChun
‘Published Things’ – a temporarily installed Public Library offering the first
charge of Post-Media Lab publications. Bring your own devices to download them live!
– Hosted by Clemens Apprich and Marcell Mars
_Thursday, Jan 16 INTERNAL_
*10:00 – 10:30*
‘Opening Up the Archive’: Stadtarchiv Lüneburg – A guided Tour by Danny Kolbe
*10:30 – 12:30*
Introduction of people and workshops + overall choreography*For this we ask you to bring and present an object (any kind of object) that
you relate to, care about and are willing to donate to the archive.*
*12:30 – 14:00*
*14:00 – 18:00*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
Group Dinner at a local brewerie (Mälzer)
_Friday, Jan 17 INTERNAL_
*09:30 – 12:00*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
*12:00 – 14:00*
All together Now! – reviving the legendary ‘Brown Bag’ Session
a collective Power-Thought-Exchange-Lunchy-Thing
Groups share and receive food and feedback.
*14:00 – 14:30 Fresh air & coffee*
*14:30 – till Brooklyn!*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
*21:00 PUBLIC*
Zum Kollektiv, Scharffsches Haus, Heiligengeiststr. 38, 21335 Lüneburg*Screening Things*
an open, partly curated public screening including footage from the Stadtarchiv
and works by ‘Taking Care of Things!’ participants
_Saturday, Jan 18 INTERNAL_
*until 13:00*
Set-up ‘Parliament of Things’
*13:00 – 17:00 */Stadtarchiv/
*Parliament of Things *
a public fair and exhibition displaying the results of the two-day workshop
intermixed with city archive material—an opportunity for the local public to
engage with ‘Taking Care of Things!’ and the Stadtarchiv in a variety of
activities igniting & deepening conversations around archives, life-cycles and care.
_Sunday, Jan 19_
Breakfast for those still in town.

Art @ 30C3

This year the Chaos Communication Conference hosted a stream on ‘art & beauty’ where !Mediengruppe Bitink presented Hacking as Artistic Practice (see video) and Robert Ochshorn presented Against Metadata (see video).

We briefly had a chance to brainstorm how to work with Interlace for the Media Mesh workshop at the Taking Care of Things event in January. Julian Assange spoke over a video link on Sysadmins of the world, unite! (see video).

Other highlights of the art stream were:
Hello World!
The philosophy of hacking
The Pirate Cinema
Turing Complete UserAnonymity and Privacy in Public Space and on the Internet
Forbidden Fruit
Do You Think That’s Funny?

We met old friends on the stubnitz and at the noisy square party.

Taking care of things

From the 15th till the 18th of January we participated in the Taking Care of Things Meeting at the Stadtarchiv Lüneburg Germany. This was also the closing event for the Post Media Lab Incubator project at Leuphana University and our research fellowship with them.tasty8mmtelecini See the documentation here.

The visit began with a tour of the city archive during which we heard about the main activities of the institution not least the film, map and image collections. They wish to extend access to these via street access sync points in the near future.

robertshowsinterlaceWe convened one of seven care groups Mesh Media! to look at open, collaborative systems that facilitate collective abilities to store, curate, share, edit, redistribute and re-purpose media while at the same time creating new frames of reference and practice in public. We were pleased to have presentations by Eric Kluitenberg of Tactical Media Files, Volker Grassmuck and Jan Torge of ‘InternetTV for the newMedia Generation’ Grundversorgung, open wireless network advocates Freifunk Lueneburg and Robert Ochshorn with Interlace. (See last section for more details..)

haukeatponsbarMedia was selected from the respective archives and uploaded to publicly presented syncronisation points adjacent to each Freifunk node in Lueneburg city centre.

lunenodemapWe produced a map to illustrate the locations of syncronisation points as a  data trail which was toured by a small group of Lueneburg locals. They were encouraged to scan the QRcode posters and NFC tags they found on the street first connecting to Freifunk wireless then activating the BTsync to distribute the images and films.

Please try these BTsyncs yourself 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12 – or get the set! confused ? see the howTo..

thingsqrcodeThe post-medial is not tied to any particular modality of media, neither to “new” or “old”, “digital” or “analog”, nor to “connected” or “offline”. Nevertheless it relies on new medial affordances (what? affordances! :-)) and possibilities, allowing for new kinds of collective repositories and living archives. How can these new collecitve, transitory and ad-hoc repositories of ‘many media’ look like? What are their (possible) protocols of turning consumers into makers, individuals into groups, and media into structured, living and meaningful (micro-)social memory? What are possible assemblages that withstand idiosyncrasy and expert-ism, but are ‘avant-garde’ and progressive in form and function nevertheless?

_object/ive (for ‘Parliament of Things’)…?!
16th January morning: Introduction
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Introduction of people and workshops + overall choreography *For  this we ask you to bring and present an object (any kind of object)  that you relate to, care about and are willing to donate to the  archive.*
16th January afternoon: Freifunk & Grundversorgnung present their projects & Freifunk nodes flashing
  • 12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
  • 14:00 – 15:00: Grundversorgung (CDCvideo.de, online video interview tool, VODO.net, OPD, Poparchiv) & WikiVision
  • 15:00 – 16:00: Freifunk presentation
  • 16:00 – 18:00: Flashing Freifunk Node & installing them in Lueneburg (10 nodes have been ordered & arrived @ Grundversorgung) // Uploading of materials to an Interlace instance (preparation for Friday afternoon) -> create map of all the freifunk nodes in lueneburg one could walk (for Saturday)
17th January, morning: Interlace & Tactical Media Files presentation
  • 10:00 – 11:00: Tactical  Media Files: Presentation about archiving as part of a ‘living’  cultural process, which means that it happens also very much outside of  the digital, in embodied encounters and ‘lived practices’ (activism,  artistic production, and more).
  • 11:00 – 12:00: Interlace:
17th January, afternoon:
  • 12:00 – 14:00: All   together Now! – reviving the legendary ‘Brown Bag’ Session a  collective  Power-Thought-Exchange-Lunchy-Thing Groups share and receive  food and  feedback.
  • 14:0014:30: Break
  • 14:30 – 18:00: Media Mesh: Collaborative editing on Interlace with ‘Tactical Medie Files’ & ‘Lueneburg City Archive’ materials (needs preparation & uploading of materials)
  • 21:00 PUBLIC*: Zum Kollektiv, Scharffsches Haus, Heiligengeiststr. 38, 21335 Lüneburg *Screening  Things* – an open, partly curated public screening including footage  from the Stadtarchiv and works by ‘Taking Care of Things!’ participants
18t January, morning: Start the derive of Lueneburg @ Freiraum
  • 11:00 – 12:00: Meeting @ Freiraum, presenation Freiraum & Freifunk
  • get bittorrent sync to work on mobile phones
18th January, afternoon: Finish the walk @ city archive, meet up & exchange experiences
  • 12:00 – 14:00: walk through Lueneburg, download media from freifunk nodes over bittorrent sync
  • 14:00 – 17:00: Meeting @ City Archive */Stadtarchiv/  *Parliament of Things * a public fair and exhibition displaying the  results of the two-day workshop intermixed with city archive material—an  opportunity for the local public to engage with ‘Taking Care of  Things!’ and the Stadtarchiv in a variety of activities igniting &  deepening conversations around archives, life-cycles and care.
Hauke Winkler: Freifunk Lueneburg // http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Lueneburg
James Stevens & Adnan Hadzi: DeckspaceTV //  http://www.postmedialab.org/adnan-hadzi-james-stevens
Eric Kluitenberg: Tactical Media Files / http://www.tacticalmediafiles.net/
Volker Grassmuck and others from Grundversorgung 2.0 (Jan Torge, Kilian, …) (http://digitale-grundversorgung.de/): WikiVision // http://www.wikivision.eu/
  • is a media sociologist, free-lance author and activist, has conducted research on the knowledge order of digital media, on copyright and the knowledge commons at Free University Berlin, Tokyo University, Humboldt University Berlin and University of São Paulo and is currently directing the project “Public Service Media 2.0″ at the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) of Leuphana University Lueneburg. He was project lead of the conference series Wizards-of-OS.org and of the copyright information portal iRights.info, co-founded mikro-berlin.org, privatkopie.net and CompartilhamentoLegal.org and blogs at vgrass.de.
Many Media, kollektive Interface | collective interfaces, Wilde Netzwerke | Wilderness Networks, lokale Übertragung+Speicher | local Transmission+Storage
Possible ideas:
– Work with Interlace on the city archives [with Freifunk (http://freifunk-lueneburg.de/) for local media-pickups]
– Work with Freifunk to display site specific (deep-linked) Interlace sections
– Work with Bittorrent Sync (http://www.bittorrent.com/sync) and/or OwnCloud (http://owncloud.org/) to offer the deep-linked media locally
– If we use a NAS @ Deckspace we could use the http://Deckspace.TV container on which Interlace is already running (robert what do you think?)
– we make timecapsules with the archive material -> embedded / injecting meta data into the objects -> share these objects as secrets during the workshop?
– Do a walk/derive on Saturday through Lueneburg, starting from Freiraum (http://www.freiraum-lueneburg.de/), exploring the Freifunk nodes, which are deep-linking into the city archives
Possible actions:
– Install a Freifunk node in the UK @ http://dek.spc.org
– Attach a NAS to the Freifunk node UK
– Thus creating a network between Germany, Sweden, UK (concerning media law & ‘public spheres’ one would have to consider a pan-european publishing network)
– maybe also install a Freifunk node in Switzerland (so to take the network out of the EU juristiction, plus Switzerland has ‘Freedom of Art’ as a constitutional right, see: http://www.unilu.ch/files/kunstbegriffendg.pdf)
– Order 10 Freifunk Nodes – done (Volker)
– Rent small Freiraum room for Saturday morning (two hours) -> budget?
– Flash around 10 nodes during the workshop & install them in Lueneburg (see instructions here: http://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Lueneburg )
_Freifunk places that are linked:
– Freiraum / Salon Hansen
– Post Media Lab / CDC / Grundversorgung
_Freifunk places to link:
– Stadtarchive
– Anna & Arthur
– Pons bar
– Hausbar
– Apothekenstr
– Cinema Scala
– Jekyl & Hide
– Cafe fleur
– Zum Kollektiv
– Nina home
 (see the map above for final list)
_some more links/stuff
– the silent university http://thesilentuniversity.org/
– videovortex interlace http://vortex.inter.numm.org/
_Official Schedule
PROGRAM_January 15-18__Taking Care of Things!_
organized by Post-Media Lab, Habits of Living; in cooperation with Stadtarchiv
_Wednesday, Jan 15 PUBLIC_
Oliver Lerone Schultz: ‘Intersecting Cycles – A Welcome to a kind of Goodbye’
Nishant Shah: ‘Laying the Grounds – Archives, Life-Cycles, Care’
Kelly Dobson: ‘Why It Matters The Way Things Break’
– introduced by WendyChun
‘Published Things’ – a temporarily installed Public Library offering the first
charge of Post-Media Lab publications. Bring your own devices to download them live!
– Hosted by Clemens Apprich and Marcell Mars
_Thursday, Jan 16 INTERNAL_
*10:00 – 10:30*
‘Opening Up the Archive’: Stadtarchiv Lüneburg – A guided Tour by Danny Kolbe
*10:30 – 12:30*
Introduction of people and workshops + overall choreography*For this we ask you to bring and present an object (any kind of object) that
you relate to, care about and are willing to donate to the archive.*
*12:30 – 14:00*
*14:00 – 18:00*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
Group Dinner at a local brewerie (Mälzer)
_Friday, Jan 17 INTERNAL_
*09:30 – 12:00*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
*12:00 – 14:00*
All together Now! – reviving the legendary ‘Brown Bag’ Session
a collective Power-Thought-Exchange-Lunchy-Thing
Groups share and receive food and feedback.
*14:00 – 14:30 Fresh air & coffee*
*14:30 – till Brooklyn!*
6 Care Groups (workshop time)
*21:00 PUBLIC*
Zum Kollektiv, Scharffsches Haus, Heiligengeiststr. 38, 21335 Lüneburg*Screening Things*
an open, partly curated public screening including footage from the Stadtarchiv
and works by ‘Taking Care of Things!’ participants
_Saturday, Jan 18 INTERNAL_
*until 13:00*
Set-up ‘Parliament of Things’
*13:00 – 17:00 */Stadtarchiv/
*Parliament of Things *
a public fair and exhibition displaying the results of the two-day workshop
intermixed with city archive material—an opportunity for the local public to
engage with ‘Taking Care of Things!’ and the Stadtarchiv in a variety of
activities igniting & deepening conversations around archives, life-cycles and care.
_Sunday, Jan 19_
Breakfast for those still in town.

reSync UG

Following on from a short research fellowship at Post media Lab in Leuphana University, Luneburg, co-workers on deckspace.tv have formed reSync UG to move ahead with some of the ideas arising and apply some outcomes to this new business.

The next reSync activity takes place in Berlin during Transmediale early in 2015 where we will use workshops to continue investigating a range of experimental synchronisation techniques to explore the extra value of media exchange via open wireless networks.

Please see the ‘New Babylon reVisited‘ session ‘reStreet‘ report.

(UG a small private company with limited liability based in Germany).


Freiraum reSynced

DSCF1745During the final workshop day today we met again with Alexander the CEO of Freiraum who has been our primary contact and host these three days. He presented an account of establishment and development of Parklokal foundation and illustrated the many areas of activity and ongoing engagement with business and community that have come about since.

freiraumresyncedWe heard about their beginnings at Hausbar and progression to music venue Salon Hansen leading to addition of Freiraum itself and introduction to Lunatic Festival. Please view the great presentation for your self.

Max is a student at Leuphana University and the outgoing chair of Lunatic. He talked in animated terms about his experiences working for the festival, detailing the educational aims and commitment of the university to maintain support of this very successful student run event. The recent addition of arts exhibit at the festival has opened up new opportunities for engagement and involvement of the local community of Lueneburg.

reSync Hausbar

We then collated this workshop report and produced a fresh set of qrcodes and nfc stickers set to link back to this page. These were fixed to windows and walls in the district.

Here is the btsync secret AX65KPZECNZC3U37KNEVEHVPSNWVGSWXJ please use it to syncronise.

In attendance ; Alexander, Max, Adnan, Wjana, James and Nina.

Post Media Lab report summarising the fellowships 2012-2014.

Graswurzel reSynced

Graswurzel.tv has been active since 2006 when they first got involved in filming political actions and publishing their documentaries. Founders Suze & Marco attended the Saturday workshop at Freiraum Lueneburg to present a potted history of their group activities. They showed us some of the many accounts of actions during a very busy 5 years.

More recently they have been mapping the resistance to open cast mining of lignite in the far east of Germany at the border with Poland where devastating environmental damage across a vast area is ongoing in the quest for cheap energy. Thousands of residents have already been decanted to other areas and mining has lead to the disappearance of entire villages.

We discussed how the evidence of these and other campaigns is often buried in the weight of information accumulating from often lengthy campaigns.

Later in the afternoon we turned to the second task of the day to prepare a live linux 4gb USB key for video editing uses and re purposing a small NAS unit to serve as reSync host for data here at Frieraum once we have departed on Monday.


In attendance ; Suze, Marco, Adnan, Wjana, Jan, James and Adam.

Freifunk reSynced

hausbarstickeringYou may have scanned this QRcode adjacent to a lueneburg.freifunk.net sticker in Lueneburg city centre in range of the open wireless network. Now you have been directed to this page where we are presenting the outcomes from recent reSync workshops in Lueneburg.

Under each Freifunk sticker is a RFID tag you can now scan with your NFC capable smart phone to open the Btsync point which holds the workshop documentation. You will need BTsync installed and internet connection to activate this link.


ponsstickered2Try connecting to Freifunk wireless which offers full fat internet, no blocked ports, access logs or regional paranoia! If you like what you see, find out more by attending one of the monthly meetings (last Wednesday of the month at Pons bar in Lueneburg). They have recently added a dynamic OLSR map.

mainstreetHaukenodeThe workshop featured a great Freifunk presentation by Hauke who lives locally and hosts an access point at his home in the centre of the city. We discussed the many aspects of free network infrastructure and how the local group collaborates to present open access. walkaboutThey run a flavour of Freifunk software that tunnels all the IP traffic crossing the network to a Swedish internet gateway thus navigating the Störerhaftung or ‘Secondary Liability’ otherwise limiting open hearted Germans at home.

partisanWe all considered prospects for future collaborations and infrastructure building with Freifunk,  interlinking Post Media LabFreiraum and Stadtarchiv which could be be attempted in time to coincide with the Taking care of Things conference in January 2014.

The workshop concluded by warwalking about the city on the hunt for Friefunk wireless which we celebrated with the QRcodes, stickers and NFC tags as described above. for more info checkout Howto reSync

Workshop attendees – Adnan, James, Hauke, Jancke, Nora, Alexander and Liene. Thanks everyone !


…your electrosmog or theirs ?

At 2pm on Saturday a gathering of infrastructure self providers will met up at the Cryptoparty for a fireside chat to exchange stories and acknowledge the phases of fruitfulness experienced by all involved in an ongoing effort to “take care of things”.

own-reSynced-02 cp-logo-200x67A decade on from DMZ festival at Limehouse Town Hall, SPC roll out the OWN exhibit once again in celebration of London Cryptofestival this coming Saturday 30th November @ Goldsmiths Uni, New Cross.

own-reSynced-03This time it will feature research and archaeological artefacts cored from the SPC servers, Flyer stash and old CDR’s  reSynced in recent months of weekly workshops at Deckspace in Greenwich.

thanks to ; Mark Garret own-reSynced-01of Furtherfield.org, Peda and Ushi of Servus.at, An Martens of Constantvzw.org, Jaya Papaya of MayDayRooms.org and Rachel Baker of irational.org for their contributions.

Futures reSynced

In this final reSync session in the UK we focussed on Futures. It was a very cold day with the wind blowing around the roof perhaps put some people off however It was great to welcome Paolo Cardullo and Atau Tanaka.

Paulo is a photographer and cultural studies tutor currently working on proposals for a Deptford walking/map project with British Library Archives fund so we were able to confer on techniques for street signage with qrcodes and NFC to promote linking and syncing of pictures and maps available.

Atau is currently Professor of Media Computing at Goldsmiths leading a 5 year research project at the Embodied Audiovisual Interaction group. There are some great opportunities for the use of NFC and QRcodes in music yet to be explored as well as a wealth of new media systems now available to aid experimentation eg eMotive . In 2008 Cardiacs frontman and creative powerhouse Tim Smith suffered a catastrophic stroke which left him with impaired voice and motor function. Atau confirmed his department had research and practice commitments for just this sort of disabled support in terms of music making but which may lead to some well needed support in 2014 for Tim.

Gargi Sen from magic lantern movies arrived later in the afternoon to discuss new approaches to the distribution and presentation of documentary film archives which deserve greater development  and reward. They are in the process of applying for the NESTA R&D fund for the Arts to develop a documentary film distribution platform for cinema audiences. They are seeking a technical partner in the UK in support of the application they are making now which we can contribute to and perhaps collaborate on next year.

Adnan Hadzi wasn’t available to contribute today as he is travelling with Bitnik to attempt a parcel delivery to Nabeel Rajab in Bahrainfutures-resynced

Screens reSynced

Our efforts to date have allowed us plenty of opportunity to re familiarise ourselves with events and productions at deckspace and we continued digging out materials today.

funkiporciniJames Braddell joined us for the start of the session on his way out to Rome. It was a great opportunity to discuss some assumptions about the value of archive and practical issues of identifying, processing and representing moving image. Much of his work expresses a wry sense of humour and explores the structures of music with texture and imagination. His latest video work ‘CITY‘ concentrates dense HD into immersive environment compositions.

For more than two decades Exploding Cinema have held open access screenings where thousands of makers make their films public for the love of it. Their zine style show booklets and posters pepper the whole archive. In 2005 the world turned in their home movies, cat fetishes and music videos to Youtube and since then billions pour their daily lives into the stew of social media silos. Finally we have been compromised by universal self and state surveillance.

interlacescreenshotThere has been some breakthrough progress on our efforts to install Interlace as Robert had a bit of time to refine his codebase and get a version working for us for now.

You can now have review some of those SPC DV archives we already spent so many hours digitising but never edited. Interlace opens in a web browser and lays out the film strips end to end down the page.. to activate the viewer click any clip and and presto, like dropping the needle on a record. Each clip is then accessible for metadata tagging, interlinking and dynamic reordering by category and context. See also Video Vortex hyprid-reader.

Rachel Baker arrived in time to find us winding up the days work and reflecting on these screens, origins and objectives and had a lot to offer from her own experiences as member of Irational.org but also as early contributor at Backspace. She is currently at booksprint and urges us to produce a printable set of these notes as part of our workshops!

Irational will also organise a workshop in Lueneburg, the week before we run the Deckspace.TV workshop, on “Archaeology and Futurology of an Artserver An exhibition and event series by art collective irational “.

This ‘Screens’ workshop marked the 10th anniversary of the ‘DMZ‘ festival…