A Hack a Day #12: Frequency Modulations

Workshop with !Mediengruppe Bitnik (.ch /.uk)

Radio is a surprisingly straightforward media – you only need to assemble a few electronic components for a low-range broadcast with your own micro FM transmitter.

In this workshop participants soldered their own low-range FM transmitter using a predesigned printed circuit board by piradio.de (a Berlin based free radio initiative). Once assembled, this board gave every participant a 0,15 Watt transmitter with mini-jack input and USB as power source. After a brief introduction from !Mediengruppe Bitnik to some of their more recent works related to media hacking, the group experimented with different ways to use our FM transmitters: As a tactical tool, an artistic device, a communications media.

No previous soldering experience required!

!Mediengruppe Bitnik is an artists group based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Their artistic practice is focused on medial systems, mediatized realities and live media feeds which they like to manipulate and reproduce so as to give the viewer a novel and refined understanding of their mechanisms. In doing so, Bitnik aims at revealing functionalities and operational methods which allow other uses and extend the utilities of these systems.

Bitnik are currently in a three-month residency at SPACE media lab.


Permacultures #5: !Mediengruppe Bitnik

In search of the parasite in media-based Systems.

During their three month residency at SPACE, !Mediengruppe Bitnik will investigate the parasitical potential of media-based systems. The main focus of their project The Parasite’s Delights is on experimental explorative practices with technology and determining the possibilities of technological systems for subverting, interfering, transforming or expanding them to new uses.

How can broadcasting systems be reconfigured into participative media?
What other messages than the ones designated will communications media allow?
How can media systems be used to provide access to closed circuits?

Their critical examination will culminate in an intervention in the Courtyard at SPACE in September 2010.

!Mediengruppe Bitnik is an artists group based in Zurich, Switzerland. Their artistic practice focusses on medial systems, mediatized realities and live media feeds which they manipulate and reproduce to give the viewer a novel and refined understanding of their mechanisms. In doing so, Bitnik aims to reveal functionalities and operational methods that allow other uses and extend the utilities of these systems. Bitnik was founded in 2003.


Symphony of Deptford – Sample I – Glitch Frames

work in progress – this clip shows some algorithmically montaged frames trawled from the deptford.tv database – scripted using python and the aml video library. This material is protomaterial for the eventual construction which will take the form of a video installation and short montage film.

Symphony of Deptford [vimeo http://vimeo.com/11022343]

the code can be found here: https://code.goto10.org/viewcvs/index.cgi/rob/symphonyofdeptford/


Rob Canning, with whom I discussed the Deptford, Symphony of a City film idea, proposed to create an endless, streaming radio loop with the Deptford.TV raw material in the form of a symphonic orchestrated radio station, by re-modifying the code, see also the Appendix that he wrote for the Radio Kulturo project. “Radio Kulturo simultaneously plays the live stream of the national classical radio station of every member state of the European Union and diffuses the mix to a multichannel sound system. It is part of a series of works exploring notions of consensus, time and simultaneity utilising Internet streaming media.” One can listen to the radio stream of the Deptford.TV raw material on Deptford.FM

Symphony of Deptford (work commenced)

Rob Canning wrote: Started work on the audio side of Symphony of Deptford a collaboration with Adnan Hadzi of deptford.tv. I will be using the deptford.tv database (http://watch.deptford.tv/) as a source of audio material and using the meta information that is attached to these files to impose a structure on to a generative sound installation. At the moment it is early days but there is a basic stream being generated on the server now and being broadcast here: http://rob.goto10.org/symphonyofdeptford.ogg http://grub.spc.org:8008/symphonyofdeptford.ogg Deptford Symphony of a city is a  homage to Walter Ruthman “Berlin: Symphony of a great City” and Adnan Hadzi’s professorThomas Schadt who produced the remake “Berlin Symphony of a City” from http://www.filmakademie.de

Lewisham 77 at Cafe Crema

Quoted from Lewisham, Peace, Justice and Solidarity:

Thursday 18 March
Who shot the sheriff? The Battle of Lewisham 1977 and the Battle of Cable Street short films looking at the fight against fascism from the 1930s to today with Q and A with film makers and Unite Against Fascism

Who shot the sheriff? – the history of Rock Against Racism and Love Music Hate Racism inspiring and mobilising young people to stop the fascists by bringing together music and politics-from the 1970’s to today.

[Details here. Read an interview with director Alan Miles here. We showed this on our Lewisham 77 commemorative day, and it went down well. If you like it, you may also like our short films about Rock Against Racism’s Red Saunders: 1, 2.]

Lewisham 1977 about the Battle of Lewisham filmed in New Cross by Deptford TV volunteers.

[Not sure which of our films they are showing, presumably this one, filmed on our commemorative walk. More details of the film in this article. Our films were made by volunteers, including Goldsmiths MA Screen Documentary students, in collaboration with Deptford TV, a project which uses open source technologies to generate new forms of collaborative film-making to document changes in SE London.]

The Battle of Cable Street and The Legacy of Cable Street with film maker Yoav Segal

[More info here. Note: Cable Street features in our film about anti-fascist footsoldier Martin Lux.]

With Q and A with film maker and Unite Against Fascism – important lessons as the fascist BNP stand in the forthcoming elections.

Presented by the Lewisham Anti-Racist Action Group and south-east London Unite Against Fascism in conjunction with Café Crema , New Cross larag@talktalk.net; www.naar.org.uk/larag www.uaf.org.uk/ also join face book ‘sel uaf see LARAG online exhibition with images and quotes about fighting fascism in London from 1930’s to 2010.
For all the films at Café Crema there is a charge of £6 which includes polenta meal or cake and drink ordered at 7.30 pm, film screening 8.15pm. Tickets available from the café in advance. To guarantee a place at this cosy venue. 306 New Cross Road. London SE14 6AF. 2 minutes from New Cross and New Cross Gate stations mob 07905 961 876/ 07905 552 571 http://www.cafecremaevents.co.uk/ for information. Pop in: book your seat!

Bonus link: Watch the Deptford.TV film about Cafe Crema.

what the fork?


Deptford.TV runs tv hacking workshop at MakeArt Festival 2009 in Poitiers, France.

comment sniffer les cctv signals (special pour tristant + maud  :-)
une histoire des piratageTV


montre un clip de Max headroom

Regle : tout les receivers sont des broadcaster / c’est juste une question de technologie. =>une station de TV pour 50€…..

présente deptford.TV

Présentation de http://edit.deptford.tv/

images of ebb

The End of Something.. A collection of reflections on the Global Crisis

31 July – 30 August 2009
Volume: 114-116 Amersham Vale, Deptford Police Station, New Cross, London SE14 6LG
Opening hours: 12-5pm (Fri-Sun) / http://theendofsomething.wordpress.com


Images of Ebb workshop
w/ Adnan Hadzi (Deptford TV) + Rob Canning (GOTO10)
August 1st (Sat) @ Deskspace medialab, 1-5pm

The Images of Ebb workshop will introduce participants to Sousveillance and CCTV filmmaking where material and images from the Deptford.TV archive will be edited to submissions from Sounds of Ebb.

Footage taken from Deptford.TV was filmed during a previous TV hacking workshop where participants equipped with CCTV surveillance signal receivers were lead through the city by incoming surveillance camera signals. CCTV video signal receivers cached surveillance camera signals into public and private spaces and were made visible: surveillance became sousveillance.

By making images visible which normally remain hidden, we gain access to the “surveillance from above” enabling us to use these images to create personal narratives of the city. The Images of Ebb workshop will look at constructing a narrative to the Sounds of Ebb.

Sound of Ebb (a branch project of The End of Something) is an open source sound series that asks sound artists and artists working with sound to respond to the question: What is the sound of Recession? Contributions are collected internationally reflecting the affects of crisis and recession from various social contexts and geographic locations. Together the Sounds of Ebb and images from Sousveillance produce articulations of a local city in crisis with global resonances of recession.

Deptford.TV is a research project on collaborative film – initiated by Adnan Hadzi in collaboration with the Deckspace media lab, Bitnik media collective, Boundless project, Liquid Culture initiative, and Goldsmiths College.

It is an online media database documenting the urban change of Deptford, in Sout East London. Deptford TV functions as an open, collaborative platform that allows artists, filmmakers and people living and working around Deptford to store, share, re-edit and redistribute the documentation of Deptford. http://deptford.tv

GOTO10 is a collective of international artists and programmers, dedicated to Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) and digital arts. GOTO10 aims to support and grow digital art projects and tools for artistic creation, located on the blurry line between software programming and art. http://goto10.org

To reserve a place, please RSVP with phone number to: a.hadzi(a)gold.ac.uk (limited space!)

The End of Something is a critical archival project that aims create a platform for reflection on the global crisis. During August 2009, LOUDSPKR in collaboration with Volume will embark on an on-going process of accumulation to build up an archive of personal, critical and creative reflections from a local and international community. Located in the former ‘Archive Room’ of a police station, Volume will become once again a bureau and repository for information. The archive exists both online in a ‘digital archive’ and in a physical archive at Volume. As a provisional space, the archive is perpetually incomplete and flawed. It, however, offers a space for dialogue and critical reflection on notions of crises that demand urgency as it increasingly seeps into our everyday. Through events, workshops and talks,  the public will be engaged in processes of creating and imagining new narratives and understandings of a rather complex time.

Have something to contribute? Please get in touch: teos.project@gmail.com

Launch Event – July 31st (Fri) @ Volume, 7pm-11pm
Screening: Big Willow Eco Camp in Crystal Palace south London by Stefan Szczelkun and Thomas Zagrosek (8pm)

Stuff.Swap – on-going throughout the month @ Volume: Bring your stuff to swap! Bring objects, clothes, toys and things to exchange with another for Free!

www.loudspkr.org | www.volumeprojects.com

Deptford.TV at Open Video Conference NY

Deptford.TV presented Cinelerra Server during the ‘Hack Day’ of the Open Video Conference 2009.

Today is Hack Day at the Open Video Conference. This is your chance to come out and organize a workshop, a discussion, a screening, or anything else. The building is yours!

To check out the awesome events that have already been scheduled, or to schedule your own, go to our Hack Day wiki. For example, we already have what looks to be a great Open Video in Education event with the folks at Columbia University’s Center for New Media Teaching and Learning at 12pm, and a screening of the beautiful film Sita Sings the Blues at 2pm.

Hope to see you there! Happy hacking.

– dtv method first prototype out & presented in NY

a trail of images of Deptford

During May (12th May till 1st June), Deptford.TV will host in collaboration with CUCR, http://dek.spc.org and http://www.bitnik.org a three weeks long hands on database filmmaking workshop, in which we will do some serious tv hacking, editing and uploading to Deptford.TV, a public database of documentary film and video to help annotate the urban change in Deptford and across SE London.

We invite you to take part in 4 workshop days over the period of three weeks plus to walk with the !Mediengruppe Bitnik artists through Deptford.

The workshops are free but places are limited, to book, please send an email to a.hadzi@gold.ac.uk and state workshop days you want to attend (it is first come first serve & priority is given to those able to attend all four days).



*Workshop Day #1: A hack a day*
Tuesday, 12th May, 11am till 5pm (take your cameras!)

After a short introduction to Sousveillance and CCTV film making, we will set out on a walk through Deptford. Equipped with CCTV video signal receivers we will let the incoming surveillance camera signals lead us through the city. The CCTV video signal receivers will catch surveillance camera signals in public and private spaces and make them visible: surveillance becomes sousveillance. By making images visible which normally remain hidden, we gain access to the “surveillance from above” enabling us to use these images for a personal narrative of the city.

Workshop with construction manual for later DIY! Attendance free Whoever has handycam, bring it! (plus cable and fully charged battery!)).

*Workshop Day #2: Collaborative Editing*
Monday, 18th May, 11am till 5pm (take your laptops!)

Introduction into Cinelerra & pure:dyne:
“Working with digital video is part of many artistic disciplines. Besides single screen narratives, video productions can range from animation, multiple screen installation to interactive work. Still, many aspects of digital video can be traced back to the history of film. The interface of a timeline editing software such as Cinelerra shows a multitrack timeline, a viewing monitor, a bin for clips; echoing the setup of a flatbed table for editing celluloid.” (digital artists handbook)

*Workshop Day #3: Deptford.TV database*
Monday, 25th May, 11am till 5pm (take your laptops!)

Introduction into the Deptford.TV database & how to use the alternative subversion control workflow:
“When you start working with free software as a videomaker, it is likely that you need to invest some time and energy in understanding certain basics of the video production process. Sometimes this might mean you have to look for alternative workflows, to dive ‘under the hood’ of a digital tool, or reconfigure an existing solution to suit your needs. Investigating the tools you use as a video maker is an important part of the job, it can help gain insights, it can be an inspiration to explore new ways of working and imagemaking.” (digital artists handbook)

*Workshop Day #4: pic nic*
Monday, 1st June, in the afternoon (take food & drinks!)

If the weather permits we will go to Greenwich Park and screen the films on portable screens while enjoying the spring/summer, tba!

The events are free, but places are limited. *to book please email* a.hadzi@gold.ac.uk

*supported by:*
Arts Council of England http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/
LCACE http://www.lcace.org.uk/

*Further infos:*

Deptford.TV is a project focusing on collaborative film – initiated by Adnan Hadzi in collaboration with the Deckspace media lab, Bitnik media collective, Boundless project, Liquid Culture initiative, and Goldsmiths College.

It is an online media database documenting the urban change of Deptford, in South East London. Deptford TV functions as an open, collaborative platform that allows artists, filmmakers and people living and working around Deptford to store, share, re-edit and redistribute the documentation of the regeneration process.

The open and collaborative aspect of the project is of particular importance as it manifests in two ways: a) audiences can become producers by submitting their own footage, b) the interface that is being used enables the contributors to discuss and interact with each other through the database.

Deptford TV is a form of “television”, since audiences are able to choose edited “time lines” they would like to watch; at the same time they have the option to comment on or change the actual content. Deptford TV makes us of licenses such as the creative commons sa-by and gnu general public license to allow and enhance this politics of sharing.


!Mediengruppe Bitnik is a media collective that became notorious, amongst others, by bugging the Zurich opera with radio transmitters and offering free live telephone broadcasts of the opera performances to the neighborhood, aesthetic hacking of movie files, and a pirate TV station based on media illegally downloaded from the Internet. The group does not understand hacking as a cult of technology geeks, but as a social intervention and practice everyone can adopt. To this end, they have been touring with their workshop series ,,A Hack a Day“, inviting and working with local and international artists.