Deptford.TV takes part in the workshops (during the Video Vortex conference in Amsterdam in January 2008). VX:mission will look at how distribution of Social Justice Video is happening using Free and Open Source technology. It is a chance to find out about existing distribution projects, get feedback for your own projects or ideas, find collaborators and scheme about how best to distribute your video. This is event is associated with the transmission network. For more info check
The kinds of things we’ll discuss and work on are…
- Open source Video Content Management and transcoding systems
- Translations and Subtitling tools
- Help files and Documentation to help people get involved
- Video Distribution Strategy
This gathering is planned in a association with FlossManuals .net and It has a focus on how we can better document projects and create user-oriented help.
A night of films and ideas from the world of radical social justice video. VX:mission is a working gathering of video activist and open software technology hackers. We are working together to increase the noise of social justice video on the internet and the digital pirate airwaves. Join us on this night as we bring you videos, news from the digital underground and a plan to save us from the corporate digital vacuum cleaners like YouTube.
- Introductory short Indymedia films
and summary of Imc-Video situation.
- Demo of Plumi – 10 mins
and films from EngageMedia
- Demo of and films introduced by’s coordinator, Zoe Young
- Demo of and Video docs on Floss Manuals and Films from
- Demo of VisionTV custom Miro player- 10 mins
and VisononTV films
- Show in a Box, the WordPress video blog and films
- UK Indymedia films and video activist collective Reel2Real
Drupal as a Video Distribution platform: Saturday Hacklab session
Co-ordinators Mick Fuzz, Zoe Young, Mark b
Looking at Film Forge and as examples. Pros and Cons of Drupal
Aggregation :
IFIWatch.TV exists to aggregate independent media on the International Financial Institutions – that is, on the World Bank, IMF and Regional Development Banks. This video portal has lately been redesigned to suck relevant feeds from online video publishing websites, display appropriate content and enable users to create their own feeds from the results of searches for video that interests them. To reach its full potential as a new model ‘node’ in emerging independent media networks, the system will require more and more feeds to feature standardised video metadata, so that content management systems can automatically sort and present video information in ways that make it easier for humans to find the media they want. The Transmission Metadata Standard is now ready to implement, and we will be promoting this to all who wish to facilitate more effective exchange of online video.
Video Upload and distribution :
FilmForge is a distribution (or profile) of the Free/Libre Open Source Softare content management system Drupal, tailored to the needs of videomaking communities. FilmForge makes it simple to install and run your own video sharing site.
Video Documentation / Flossmanuals : Saturday Hacklab session
co-ordinator Adam Hyde
Presentation Floss manuals system and new Video related docs on Flossmanuals and
In this session we’ll be looking at Floss manuals system, new video distribution documentation and other relevant work. FLOSS Manuals provides quality free manuals about how to use free software.
There are new manuals on Video Encoding, Video Distribution and DVD and subtitle creation. We hope that this can be useful for the Video activist and independent video production community.
Show in a Box : Saturday Hacklab session
Co-ordinators: Jay Dedman and Ryanne Hodson (from
Presentation: Show-In-A-Box, Word Press video distribution system
Many video creators are shy of the web since they want to make sure their work looks good online.
Being artists ourselves, we know that presentation is very important.
Being media activists, we also know that using open source tools and sane copyrights are also important.
WordPress is a fantastic blogging tool and we’ve been using it to run videoblogs for a few years now. Over time we’ve begun to develop and use some tools that make WordPress better suited for video. Show-In-A-Box was created to bring these all together and create the ultimate videoblogging platform.
We are making custom WP plugins to better manipulate video. We are also making beautiful, original themes that better showcase video. We have video tutorials and a strong community to help guide newbies to creating their own videoblog to document the world around us.
We’ll show lots of awesome examples of what online video can look like using free and open tools.
Customising Miro Player: Sunday am
Co-ordinator: Richard Visionontv
Presentation: Transmission branded Miro player (Richard), and Visionontv customised Miro player (tbc)
Collectives are changing the Miro player so that they can offer a download of the player with their own channels, search features and other features added.
We’ll look at how this is done and what it means to video networks.
Subtitling Video and the Internet : Sunday pm
Co-ordinator Harcesz
Presentations Proposal for a new subtitle website, Subtitle workflow for creating DVDs
This session will look at some of the issues and opportunities facing film makers who can use the Internet to co-ordinate, create and distribute subtitle for their films.
- Specifically this session will look at plans for an open source DotSub type library website for for social justice films.
- Outlining a workflow for creating a multilingual DVD via online collaboration. : Sunday pm
Co-ordinator Clara
Presentation What is the current situation with imc-video site.
A discussion bring people up to date with developments concerning a global indymedia video site. The aims would be to search across video feeds created by regional IMCs and provide a space to upload video .
There is a wiki page on this subject on the global indymedia wiki
Co-ordinator tati
Presentation giss tv is an independent voluntary platform for sharing streaming resources between different groups. It was born after the piksel
festival and has been evolving since then aroudn our empathic networks.
Is a ring of icecast2-kh servers that allows automatic forwarding when the main servers are full of clients.
also provides a web interfaceto open a mountpoint and create a landing webpage for your channel, with chat, information for next scheduled streams, etc.
it started between several admins from servers that had an icecast and wants to be a way of sharing resources, as the streams can reach peaks but the streaming servers usually have more power than they need (until they need 20 times their power!).
We are working closely with the icecast developers in the kh branch, that allows automatic relay forwarding.Icecast version: Icecast 2.3-kh18c from:
We are being used by many small radios, and some more commercial ones, but the idea is to serve free content streams.
We are still in
development and have some big questions to answer, like:
* How can we provide admin tools or sharing options to the adins of theservers?
* How can we really protect the anonimity of the streamers? (icecast
serves the IPs – specially asked by indymedia)
* How can we link the users with the streams they might like? (working
currently in rss feeds, and yellow pages stuff.
* How can we clean the server of commercial music, when our own groups use it as part of their material? (how can you convince apunk radio that the clash is not punk enough for us? is it needed?)
Please do follow the discussion on irc if you can’t make it in person.
Producing Collaborative DVDs for screenings via the Internet : Sunday am
Co-ordinator Mick Fuzz
How can we create DVDs in a Decentralised way. Is there a demand for a European wide DVD of social justice events to be used for screenings.
Past projects RuffCuts and the indymedia ENR have looked a decentralised way of creating CDroms and VHSs for screening at public venues. Broadband technology opens the door for a new level of collaboration. Broadcast quality Video files can be exchanged and on-line translation tools used to create and distribute multilingual DVDs.
We look at the question, are there existing networks of Video producers who can benefit from these technology and explore possible future projects and how can they work together.
Network Distribution Services and International Screening Database : Sunday pm
Co-ordinators Simon Worthington, Laura Oldenbourg and Merijn Oudenampsen
Presentation Mute Agents site
Existing distributors consistently fail the cultural sector and have not taken sufficient advantage of the Web for e-commerce and social networking. The mission of NDS is to provide an alternative. Using the Web’s ability to help people share information and collaborate, it enables the global promotion, sales and fulfillment of goods, improving cultural producers’ sustainability and visibility at national and international level.
The system works by creating a global web of locally-inputted information, ranging from producers and agents to outlets and goods.
Two core barriers to the creation of a global market place for independent cultural products are high freight costs and a parity of goods’ prices. We are tackling these through systems we (and others) call ‘Community Couriering’ (CC) and Peer-to-Peer E-commerce (P2P EC). With CC, people carry goods for less than commercial couriers’ rates (when they are taking certain routes for other purposes already); with P2P EC, producers and buyers negotiate prices to index them to the purchasing power in the relevant region rather than via a straight currency conversion (this is known as Purchasing Power Parity ).
See: dev site and our work area