, 13-15 october 2006, london, limehouse

At the transmission festival one of the discussions was around FLOSS manual (see also the importance of documenting multimedia tools. One of the projects dealing with manuals is looking at video distribution of the x.264 codec (vodcasts). We decided to hold a follow up event at the Limehouse on April 27, 2007.

(quoted from

Re-transmission was a three day gathering of video makers, programmers and web producers developing online video distribution as a tool for social justice and media democracy. The two events at the British Film Institute were made up of presentations and screenings, firstly exploring citizen video reporting on the Net, secondly discussing how to collaborate and share content on the net in the new era of Open Source and WebTV. For the full Re-transmission program see

for documentation of the event see: the film the wiki

Online video, 10 years in.

Metadata process update

Thanks to some funding from the alt-media-res project, we now have a draft metadata standard PDF prepared by JJ King and Jan Gerber:

This report and proposal is under consultation within Transmission-connected networks until Monday November 6th;

We are looking for substantive responses, feedback, proposals, in particular direct inputs from the other Transmission working groups – eg Translation/Subtitling, DoNoHarm, Aggregator R&D, Documentation….

I am posting summaries of responses in the wiki and hope that people with experience of this field of work can suggest practical ways forward to finalise and then begin to implement the standard.

After 6th November we will gather the working group together to review and improve the schema, spec out next steps etc. please add to and improve the metadata to do list

As part of this process, JJ King and I have drafted a proposal for implementation of this standard.

28th October 2006 (zoe)

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