Panels, Sessions, Film Screening – a preview of the program

Quoted from CDC blog at trans­me­dia­le fes­ti­val: Panels, Sessions, Film Screening – a preview of the program

Everything is visible, everyone is tracked. How will life, work and play change in world rules by algorithms? This year transmediale wrestles with the question under RTEmagicC_01.2015_transmediale_1the motto “Capture all” from 28 January to 1 February. You can read about the contributions CDC researchers will be making here.

How much space re­mains in a pro­gram­med world for things that can­not be writ­ten in a code? Do we have to learn to play with al­go­rithms? Prof. Dr. Ma­thi­as Fuchs, Head of the Ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on Lab in the In­cu­ba­tor re­se­arch pro­ject Art and Ci­vic Me­dia, dis­cus­ses the­se and other ques­ti­ons with re­se­ar­chers Ned Ros­si­ter and Kris­ti­an Lu­kic on 29 Ja­nu­a­ry at 3:30 p.m. In the panel discussion “Calculated Play? Games as a metaphor, medium and method”, game play­ers go up against the al­go­rithm whi­le pa­ne­lists spe­cu­la­te about how it will end. Cri­ti­cal thoughts about ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on and the quan­ti­fied-self mo­ve­ment are ex­pres­sed by a pa­nel that in­clu­des Ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on Lab em­ployee Pao­lo Ruf­fi­no. The panel discussion “All Play and no Work: The Quantified Us“ at 3 p.m. on 30 Ja­nu­a­ry will also take up the wins and los­ses in an in­cre­a­sin­gly ga­mi­fied world.

At 11 a.m. on 29 Ja­nu­a­ry, the re­se­ar­cher Oli­ver Le­ro­ne Schultz (CDC/​Com­mon Me­dia Lab) pres­ents the pro­ject “Glossa­ry of Sub­sump­ti­on – Collec­tive Edi­ti­on”. A preli­mi­na­ry pre­sen­ta­ti­on en­t­it­led “Enclosed Athens Disclosed” will fea­ture re­sults of pro­ject work in­vol­ving a “cri­ti­cal city tour” of Athens in No­vem­ber. The “Athens En­clo­sures” team will re­port on the mul­ti-en­clo­sed life of the fic­ti­tious la­bo­ra­to­ry ava­tar An­drea. Then work con­ti­nues at 11 a.m. on 1 Fe­bru­ary in a work­shop on the long-term pro­ject “Glossary of Subsumption” with the goals of do­cu­men­ting the new era of “in­te­gra­ti­ve power” and “va­lue extrac­tion” in the post-me­di­al age and crea­ting collec­tive ways of theo­ri­zing.

The Creative Commons documentary “Preempting Dissent”, ba­sed on the book of the same name by Greg El­mer and Andy Opel, will be shown at 8 p.m. on Fri­day. The film ques­ti­ons the spre­ad of the so-cal­led “Mia­mi mo­del” for mo­ni­to­ring pu­blic pro­tests. The fol­low-up dis­cus­sion will be di­rec­ted by Oli­ver Le­ro­ne-Schultz. With his col­le­ague Dr. Cle­mens Apprich, Oli­ver Le­ro­ne Schultz is also working on the on­go­ing trans­me­di­al pro­ject “The Post-Di­gi­tal Re­view”, which brings to­ge­ther ex­perts in di­gi­tal art and cul­tu­re, po­li­tics and re­se­arch and cu­ra­tors. The session “The Post-Digital Review: Cultural Commons” at 4:30 p.m. on 1 Fe­bru­ary will take up the ques­ti­on of what cont­ri­bu­ti­ons art and cul­tu­re can make to new stan­dards in the post-di­gi­tal ci­vil so­cie­ty. Dr. Nis­hant Shah, mem­ber of the In­sti­tu­te of Cul­tu­re and Aes­t­he­tics of Di­gi­tal Me­dia (ICAM), will launch the dis­cus­sion with his pre­sen­ta­ti­on.

reSync All

Workshop. Make sync code badges and configure your media, message and phone to reSync All at the festival. Registration required.

CAT: Workshop
DAY: Fri 30.01.
DUR: 180 min
PLC: hkw foyer

At Foyer Hub 3

During transmediale 2015, reSync will promote open synchronisation services and introduce a growing P2P exchange network of free media resources synchronised between those in London [own], Athens [awmn] and Berlin [freifunk] that sidestep the rising sense of network surveillance and preserve privacy whilst continuing to enjoy free media exchange in public and over free information infrastructures wherever they flourish.

Workshop participants will be able to claim a reSync ‘key’, print posters and press their own badges. Each featuring the unique QRcode to promote media stored on their smart phones, tablets and pc’s using Bit Torrent Sync app. Anyone then scanning the code or exchanging the key will be able to receive updates as new images texts and sounds are added during transmediale and therafter. See the howto for more details.
Each reSync is then automatically relayed across our international network nodes using Syncthing (floss) then available on open wireless networks in Athens, London and Berlin (so far!)

It is no secret that ‘pirate’ sites are amongst the most popular in the world. There are already huge numbers (hundred of millions) of P2P users, and the number continues to grow despite technical and legislative attempts to slow or censor P2P technologies. Media industries are quite unwilling to accept the inevitability of filesharing as a significant, if not the most significant, global media distribution system.

Join Adnan Hadzi and James Stevens in the foyer to make sync code badges and configure your media, message and phone things to reSync All at the festival.


James Stevens (uk)

James Stevens (uk) is the founder member of SPC and lives with his family in Deptford SE London. Whilst directing operations at web boutique Obsolete in 1996 he launched Backspace, the proto cybercafe on Clink Street, London Bridge; it became a touchstone to a thousand web coders and inventors, and inspiration for the technology spaces and businesses that boomed in the years that followed. He teamed with Julian Priest in 2000 to present wireless network primer which advocated the open wireless networking that today thrives at OWN in Deptford SE8, AMWN and around the world.


Adnan Hadzi (uk/ch)

Adnan Hadzi (ch/uk) undertook his practice-based PhD on FLOSSTV – Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) within participatory TV hacking Media and Arts Practices’ at Goldsmiths, University of London. Adnan’s research focuses on the influence of digitalization and the new forms of (documentary-) film production, as well as the author’s rights in relation to collective authorship.

reVeal Transmediale

“What does the ‘Capture All’ logic entail and what does it mean to live in an algorithmic world?

How does the desired ‘full take’ shape not just the contemporary lived environment but our very being, working and acting within it?

The idea behind a ‘Capture All’ society is not one based on a totalitarian model; it rather reflects a new system of organisation which, based on the datafication, quantification and correlation of everything, can be predictive and to some extent pre-emptive, allowing new modes of regulation and control.

Playful, competitive and productive as a ‘capture all’ society claims to be, it constantly aims for an accelerated optimisation surpassing any limitations between life and work. Its rankings and ratings, mappings and visualisations depict a gamifying condition where individuals never rest but are continuously connected and active, allowing behavioural patterns to become detectable and recognisable. But are we then faced with a new type of governmentality towards a calculative life?

And how do we respond to it? Which discourses are still needed and which counter-practices can be employed to provoke change in a datafying world?”

future project collaboration on Dowse

reSync was invited to collaborate on the Dowse project.

By replacing the outdated proprietary ISP ‘gateway’ with an open and user-visible device, Dowse creates a new platform that leverages its topologically unique access and influence in the domain of the local-area network. It introduces a visible, malleable, knowable communications hub to the language of the small network.

Dowse seizes on the power of the technologically/topologically necessary gateway/hub role to create development opportunities which cannot exist on other platforms. Dowse becomes the locus of a specific new class of end-user-visible applications which are able to perceive and affect all devices in the local sphere, whether they are open or closed.

Moving above the platform of Dowse, it is in touching upon the Internet of Things that a glimmer appears of what may be Dowse’s killer app(s). These are the applications of Dowse in which human opportunities appear to interactively define the Internet of Things at a high level. The entrance or departure of a device from the local IoT ecosystem is accompanied by audiovisual interactive aspects. Such interactions extend to the new presence or absence of a communications channel, for example between an electrical meter and a corporation. The software explorations that can appear in this domain, enabled by the Dowse platform, can bring individual awareness, preference, and empowered influence to the network/IoT as its own organ.

Further information can be found here.

FOSdem 15

From 31 January until 1 February FOSSem 2015 will take place.

FOSDEM is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The goal is to provide open source software developers and communities a place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the open source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by open source project leaders and committers;
  • to promote the development and the benefits of open source solutions.

Participation and attendance is totally free, though the organisers gratefully accept donations and sponsorship.

reSync All

During Transmediale 2015, reSync will promote collaborative synchronisation services and introduce a growing P2P exchange network of free media resources, synchronised between those in London [own], Athens [awmn] and Berlin [freifunk], that sidestep the rising sense of network surveillance and preserve privacy whilst continuing to enjoy free media exchange in public and over free information infrastructures wherever they flourish.

IMG_20141107_152203lunatic03Join us in the lobby area of Haus der Kulturen der Welt on Friday 30th January to make sync code badges and configure your media files, messages and phone things to reSync @ Capture All.

reSync-badgepressPick up a flyer sheet and claim a reSync ‘key’, print posters and press your own badges. Each badge features the unique QRcode to promote media from your smart phones, tablets and pc’s using Bit Torrent Sync app. Anyone then scanning the code or exchanging the key will be able to receive new images texts and sounds as you add them during Transmediale and therafter.


See the howto for more details.

Each reSync is then automatically relayed across our international network nodes using Syncthing (floss) then available on open wireless networks in Athens, London, Lueneburg and Berlin (so far!)

see this reSync All video for some instructions on the process…(ish)

This follows on from ‘reStreet’ workshops in Athens 2014 and will run parallel to the “Enclosed Athens Disclosed”/”Glossary  of Subsumption – Projecting a Collective Collation” sessions.

It is no secret that ‘pirate’ sites are amongst the most popular in the world. There are already huge numbers (hundred of millions) of P2P users, and the number continues to grow despite technical and legislative attempts to slow or censor P2P technologies. Media industries are quite unwilling to accept the inevitability of filesharing as a significant, if not the most significant, global media distribution system. The continued belief that intellectual property protection, Digital Rights Management, regulation of ISPs etc. will solve the ‘filesharing problem’ prevents tinkering in this area is being overturned.

Many thanks Rob Canning for the Imagemagic qrcode compositing!